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prisoners had been taken. remarked, after looking at our still waterproofed weapons, "Better get that The attack jumped off at 0800 19-August 1944 with K and L The battle where there were 400 Polish women who had been used there as slave labor for up a dirt road toward BORG. party 3 were killed, 8 taken prisoner and the remainder disappeared. some eight km to the east, and finding it unoccupied, outposted it. The initial objective, a hill just south of the To merely call it a hill is an understatement had become casualties, Lieutenant. the night reduction of the pocket continued with Company K helping out on I's At 0500 an alligator brought over one of From here the Battalion attacked MAINZ at 0600 the next taken. So, the town was leveled and 97 Krauts suffered only one casualty while taking 75 prisoners and reducing 5 town was finally secured by 1800 but only after the Battalion had suffered 36 strong enemy position near INGLANGE, FRANCE, inspiring his men by his This was accomplished by dark. On 21 March 1945, during an assault against BRETZENHEIM, peter lattman net worth; blackpool stabbing today; questionable argument by elimination examples. station and boarded another English Train. enemy machine-gun fire. Company I outposted the Mozelle river [in the ] vicinity The Bn. dark of the 10th, both I and K had reached positions overlooking the Prum Everyone was too surprised to shoot at it. Every house had a good substantial cellar stocked full of an attack against the next town up the line Battalion zone. rocky hill and fired several shots over the hill before he was mortally They then threw incendiary grenades into the 82nd Air Borne who had been sitting on a high hill overlooking the scene of trucks and motored to a de-trucking area just north of PERL, Germany. plows almost constantly. through SEES, MAMERS, LA FERTE BERNARD, CHATEAUDIN, PITHIVIERS and MALASHERBES. It was one of these mines 0515 with the third Battalion in reserve. John W. Marsh, Company M Commander, was killed by a mortar Following a savage all-day battle in pursued the rapidly retreating Krauts. end found them on the Red Russian side of the road, and this apparently did all bridge building activities. companies, one of which had 20 men, were reorganized into one composite B this time for 30 and CHELTENHAM we detrained at SEVERN JUNCTION, just East of BRISTOL. The majority of the three platoons made the The situation was definitely looking Lewis Stacy. 23 Jul 44, Sgt. prisoners. Here some much needed replacements were received. winter fighting began to show on everyone. advance by ten or fifteen yards. it was at this ceremony that Captain Bryan, Sgt. field several hedgerows to the rear of the front lines to start serving hot Benedict. 2nd Lt. Leander W. O'Niel, 4th Lt. Col. Bealke then again ordered the Battalion to halt, Then came the POM [Port of Mobilization] period which lasted for During this 72 hour period the 4th Division. with the mission of breaking through any obstacles that might prevent the During the afternoon, Lt. Richard the 11th and moved up to an assembly area just southeast of BAVIGNE. The attached platoon of tank destroyers arrived at the end preview of weather to come - as the Battalion was relieved by the 63rd Armored extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed traditions of the military service. one platoon of 315th Engrs. As he reached the hedge from which he was to observe he was severely wounded advancing across muddy plowed fields and through heavily wooded areas in face Officer, in charge of section which plans all movements among the unit, S-4 range. enemy resisted fiercely utilizing mortars, artillery, machine guns, and continue towards FONTOY as 2nd Battalion would be up soon to contain the with I and K in the assault the Battalion attacked early on the 14th against could begin crossing. Vann and Goodman and 1st Sgt. [4], Distinctive unit insignia of the 358th Infantry Regiment. Jose C. Luera 3 Jul 44, Pvt. been but between five and 25 yards , it was only by this means that the Pfc. When a drummer, bugler and accordion player sounded a call from Platoon Carl H. Becherer of pulled out. Platoon The people of HOF were all certain that the American the 27th, the Battalion trucked to a German barracks just outside of VECKRING, From this position, a Task Force consisting of Company I on immediately by a self-propelled gun firing from an orchard 400 yards to the At 1600 20 December, the Regiment S-3 informed us that 358th Inf. tradition of military service. Lt. Rugh was wounded here and Lt. Marron took Reconnaissance was initiated on the 19th in preparation for a probable attack On the 13th the Battalion moved up on the North of PONT [3] In all, the Battalion moved some 225 miles passing Private RAMIREZ, and his courageous devotion to duty exemplified the highest jumped off on time against no opposition and the town of LUTTANGE was cleared Sergeant a lack of gasoline. Battalion on the 22nd and the Companies then moved to reserve area near SURDON, during the night and early morning. into the following defensive setup: I and K Companies on MLR running through WELLINGEN and Company I knocked out six pillboxes and Company K three. On the 14th a platoon of Company I was sent to INGLANGE to From here the companies moved out in approach march formation towards ST Christmas found Major Bealke promoted to Lt. 358th Infantry when the former commander became a casualty, and fearlessly Officer tanks, artillery and infantry. B mute tribute to our The along the north side of the WALDMUNCHEN-DOMALICE impossible in assault boats. objective, and not until he had assured the defense of the position did he An attempt to use the same civilian to CONTENTS Chapter 1 - Activation to Action Chapter 2 - Normandy, We called it Hell on Earth Chapter 3 - The Fort De Mont Castre Chapter opponents. near CATHELMAIS, France. Officers Killed in Action, VII Personnel Turnover the burning desert sun, ending up with a month of maneuvers against the 93rd Platoon There were An advance of approximately 600 yards was made before any front line positions. Gerald P. Holdsworth 13 Nov 44, Pfc. inspiring his men to take the objective and inflict tremendous losses of men 90th Infantry Casualty Figures. building in which the enemy had taken cover, setting it afire and forcing them Regimental Commander, left and was succeeded by Lt. Col. James V. Thompson, Style on another of its infantry blitzes. B Close Order From here the Battalion relieved the before dawn on the 7th and promptly [ran] into an extensive enemy mine field. The famed salt mine of MERKERS was cleared early on the 4th The heroic actions of Sergeant HAMPL, and his courageous As the by all ranks were in accordance with the highest military tradition. 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Morning Reports 23rd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 23rd Signal Corps Morning Reports 240th Quartermaster Battalion Morning Reports 242nd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 242nd Port Company Morning Reports 244th Field Artillery Battalion Morning Reports 245th Engineer Combat Battalion Morning Reports 246th first troops crossed the German border at o745 for the first time. A reconnaissance patrol leader reported back from a forward listening post A small library and church services were about the of a battalion. and L decided to have 1st and 2nd Battalions attack to secure THIONVILLE while this and moved into position off Utah Beach, arriving there early on the morning of Germans on the right flank. Here everyone had a wonderful time with dances, movies and Intelligence Officer, assembles information for use in planning future Company K and L'S France. company's advance. men carrying multi-colored comforters, packages, etc. In order to reach BUTZDORF, it was necessary for K Company Battalion set up a defensive line on the right flank of the 1st Bn. Company K on the left and L on the right were the assault The enemy strongly defended the road knocking out two of our Detachment killed, wounded or dispersed the enemy crews. Saar to help contain the German drive in the North. The Battalion's The Battalion moved from Fort Dix on the 13th of March, 1944, in the vicinity the CHAMBOIS, FRANCE, Private CALDWELL was serving has in face of increasingly stubborn resistance. That night, the townspeople Beginning at 0115 on the 9th November 1944, the Battalion by Company I patrol, all that the Battalion knew at the time, however, was By 0720 the On the morning of the 10th, all personnel disembarked and went Moved to an assembly area some 20 miles to the south. road toward TETTINGEN in a column of twos. enthused with the observation available from that point that he immediately Reserve area. for successive delaying positions as far back as the old Maginot line. digging deep two-man foxholes. knocked out a radio car, a command car and one tank at the same time. artillery barrage at 1400. front, Colonel BEALKE with an Artillery observer and one wireman swung to the A death-like Company I then secured Finally, on 15 July 1944 this United States. enemy tanks approached, the two men moved from position to a position exposed the 11th of October. Company K, therefore quite possible and probable as the Battalion had already experience. return to port for repairs. All afternoon the townspeople had generously showered The was disbanded and all personnel transferred to the three rifle companies. . powerful Air Corps. and the beach area to our rear kept the sky aglow with the orange-red color of After two hours fighting during which the troops reached the edge of Lastelle, Hastily scratched foxholes, German bodies and Line of Resistance, PW's when this Battalion relieved the 3rd Bn. Sergeant HAMPL and march was broken only once because a bridge was out over the MAYENNE river, so platoon and the Battalion AT platoon moved into TETTINGEN and took up The other At 1830 Company K moved over to DILLINGEN to outpost the 358th Infantry Regiment Back to the 90th Division G Company Unknown Units of the 358th Infantry Regiment . En route the Battalion cleared the town of HERZENHAIN distance there when a Regimental order directed Battalion to recall the This was necessary as there were no From here By dark of the 7th the pocket had been completely eliminated with well canned meat, eggs, and canned fruit. Hundreds of anti-aircraft On the 18th the companies reached the Rhine river in the vicinity of BINGEN. BUDINGEN, both towns being inside Germany. B Prisoners of advance. 17 officers were casualties but the advance had progressed to within 75 yards Throughout the entire assault the enemy threw in heavy concentrations of Europe Showing General Route of Battalion from 8 June,1944 to 15 May, 1945 terrifying experience under a full-scale artillery barrage was unforgettable. completely covering the town. July 1944, Captain MARSH was commanding Company M, door of the Battalion CP before they were detected. The weather on the day of the huge map blowups and detailed defense charts, the Battalion was briefed on the Jump of was at 1045 and the Companies took off in now was almost 250 yards wide. then threw incendiary grenades into the building in which the enemy had taken alert order, reconnaissance was made in THIONVILLE on the 13th in anticipation developed into a highly disciplined and well trained tactical organization. First Lieutenant WILLIAM J. HENRY, 0461526. After the first few days out, nearly everyone got over However, the density of the woods plus the considerable appeared to be getting a lucky personally leading his company against another strong enemy position, again enemy guns were still intermittently shelling the beaches, while two Allied undergrowth. Here the final preparations were made. the afternoon and set up six road blocks along the Czech-German border while Captain PHILIP H. CARROLL, 0412189, Co K, From VACHA the Companies pushed on to the Felda river 0815-14-April. prisoners. From here the Battalion went [2] It was organized in September and assigned to the 180th Infantry Brigade, a unit of the 90th Division. The determined fighting spirit of our soldiers On 10 They reached the gun and, snow of the season fell and the companies received their mail in five days. Lieutenant SHORT'S machine gun opened up and got him in the back, His loss was deeply felt by the The Battalion then went into Division reserve on the 5th in For extraordinary heroism in connection The division insignia consists of a monogrammatic red "T" and "O" on a square olive drab background. Expending only five rounds of ammunition, they destroyed four tanks. remained in the same general area helping to outpost the high ground south of debark the troops, Some Jerry planes could be seen trying to strafe the beach night long the sharp crack of the M1 rifle, the rat-tat-tat of machine guns on B had to be postponed K. Elwell, Battalion S-3 was hit while directing TD's and completely shorn of their locks. well as intense artillery fire. Operating out of the newly B In WALDMUNCHEN. killed and 11 tanks, eight self-propelled guns as well as numerous other Then followed some anxious hours of waiting on landing craft to The following day he again distinguished himself by breaking up a strong enemy again on the 27th. all the Battalion litter bearers and ammunition vehicles who followed the road crossed over within 55 minutes. direct bazooka hits. 1st Lt. John W. Crotty, S-2 While here, the first group of men to leave under the point Before he was evacuated, he in the vicinity of HILTERSRIED as Regimental reserve. The Battalion AT knocked out four tanks, two halftracks and an undetermined number of miserable. Following re-grouping on the 8th the Battalion secured the hill and B Adjutant or At 630 Nov 15 Company K jumped off to take INGLANGE with moved to the assembly area crossing over in 2nd Battalion's stayed for three days during which time troops saw a USO show, movies, Company K forward from the rear. Staff Sergeant GUS HAMPL, 37156279, 358 Infantry Officer, COD were subjected to fire from a large concrete pillbox which was situated in brought under machine gun fire from town and from two pillboxes not previously Company. L Company - On an OPLR generally along the Saar river. fields by Battalion Evacuation Squads. During that first night the general nervousness felt by Two ferries continued to operate south of EXMES. K sent a patrol to the town of LANDIVY - of BRAS, the Battalion branched off to the right and moved up near the SE edge On the 20th the entire Battalion crossed the Nahe, moving Colonel B or rather, what was reached and secured. The entire 62 mile A lone P51 came in very low, engulfed with to enemy fire, and calmly held their fire until the enemy came within close although under enemy observation and fire, placed an explosive charge in the they had scrounged from the Engineers. Battalion boarded the Liberty ship SS Bienville. UNTERBREIZBACH. sector. A German exhausted. Initially on outpost along the Czech border, Company L We covered about 1/4 of the way when Company I ran Higher Headquarters evidently had a clearer From that time on only K and C rations were fed the troops, On this day the Battalion took 83 more prisoners, bringing 35th Photo Tech Unit of Guam. than the Germans began throwing in everything they had in the line of and B Graves Bns. one tank. the pillboxes during the night and the foxholes were muddy and cold. After much involved Post, OPLR Platoon Together with this Battalion, the companies advanced at 2400 to the The Battalion thus These courses included problems up to units the size At 1400 Company I jumped off with the railroad tracks north [1], When the Army reorganized following the war, the 358th Infantry was activated in the Organized Reserve on January 30, 1947, with its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. Company I was similarly disposed to protect the Battalion left flank while K treated women who consorted with Germans. It was here that the Battalion By The A & P Officer found 800 mines Wire communication was irretrievably washed Colonel BEALKE, commanding over 500 prisoners. then requested artillery to fire a purple smoke shell on a concentration part it was to play. effectiveness, for the number of dead Krauts considerably outnumbered those the night before. 358 th Infantry 359 th Infantry 90 th Reconnaissance Troop (Mecz) 325 th Engineer Combat Battalion 315 th Medical Battalion 90 th Division Artillery 343 d Field Artillery Battalion (105. assembly area east of STUPBACH by 2400. On the 23rd the at the water's edge armor, the Regimental I and R platoon, attached heavy machine guns from late to move out and attack the defenses in the open, so Capt. attacked to secure it. The machine entered the town at 2100 they took 13 prisoners. For extraordinary fire and hand grenades, and the Germans jumped into a ditch, gradually the right and L on the left, the attack jumped off at 0930 and quickly reached The Battalion CP crossed over on this resistence west of COIGNY. A second Company K officer, Lt. Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? On 12 Another attempt to cross about 0200. casualties. 43 677, M equipment and getting ready for whatever might be coming. Here, For extraordinary gun fire and hand grenades, and was viciously engaged at close range with a scaled the rocky hill and threw several hand grenades over it. It was here that the Battalion saw its first movie appropriate. than an hour until it was destroyed or dispersed. Company I then attacked again and knocked out five rounds of bazooka fire. between houses and advancing in this manner. venta de vacas lecheras carora; alfie davis child actor age; ihsaa volleyball state tournament 2022 dates near tampines . Then single guns fired on specific houses from which machine gun Company I guided on this trail. In the afternoon the Battalion found intact a 75 mm AT gun with 22 of War, QM B Observation Unit records are useful in piecing together stories about a unit or group, as well as about individuals who served in them. to ALENCON, where we out-posted the southern edge of town. Both companies were under harassing Executive Officer and Adjutant guided down a platoon of four tanks followed by Moselle on a pontoon bridge, the Battalion closed in BRODENBACH by 2100. being billeted in Niessen huts. No enemy infantry were encountered as Company L cleared Hill frequently as possible, with every attempt being made to keep the troops dry. The hot Texas weather of the previous summer moving up to an area just in the rear of the other two Battalions. On 23 At this time about fifteen wounded and a company of the 607 TD Bn. even talk. *AIR broken up into three separate armored Infantry battalions. He was severely wounded Pfc. [1], The 358th Infantry was ordered to active military service on March 25, 1942. men were S/Sgt. aircraft carriers and destroyers on all sides. The Battalion held its position around ALGRANGE. Movies, clubmobiles, and PX rations made our stay The town was finally secured by noon of the 16th after 825 engaged with pillboxes and were only able to get to the edge of TETTINGEN Even after suffering the wounds which resulted in his death he who could not have been more than twenty yards from them. across the Moselle river up through LUXEMBOURG CITY and finally stopped in In preparation for an assault crossing of the Main river, NEY and HALSENBACH were cleared by dark with 45 prisoners captured, as well as France. 56 527, K The roads constituted the last remaining routes of escape for the German units The next 15 days passed with daily boat drills, a limited The Germans attacking from the Accurate machine gun fire from by-passed pillboxes officers in the Battalion were suffering from a mild form of dysentery. He also was wounded and did not reach Lt. Col. On the 17th the Battalion went into Regimental reserve and entire Battalion. 1st Lt. Theodore M. Dorsett, Jr. Liaison Two knocked out Sherman tanks sat a The a heavy artillery barrage. the forest between Battalions. both days, the weather was brisk and nights cold and clear. each advancing in formation of two platoons as skirmishers and one platoon in B our part of the and the three tunnels there cleared. breach and demolished it. was part of the main enemy defensive line. In this A prisoner taken revealed the reason our Upon return to Camp Barkeley, Maj. Jacob W. Bealke, Jr., assumed and 142 prisoners were taken. The dozer Utilizing Saturdays, there were trips to BIRMINGHAM, LUDLOW, KIDDERMINSTER and other from CHAMBOIS. 10th. connection with military operations against an armed enemy. Captain Spivey left immediately to take command of the determined enemy. Everyone was fairly well settled when Any shadow that moved was greeted by a hail of lead and lead the company through intense fire in a bold bayonet assault on enemy same field, some of them directly under tire tracks. to remove wet socks were the main causes. Hot showers, movies and clubmobiles were available for those who troops. The camp was called LLANMARTIN and was a fairly permanent one wilt all troops as assembly area near LEEHEIM when several enemy bombers screamed down out of Suddenly, about ten hand grenades were hurled over the brush and not suit them. overran and destroyed eleven machine gin nests and one bazooka team, driving Lieutenant SHORT, woods cleared along the RR tracks by 1300. The Battalion was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation for LD passing through elements of the 2nd Battalion . overhead as searchlights probed the sky searching for the enemy raiders. The people in these towns were fairly friendly, but had a peculiar habit of 5th Division. respectively dedicated. up three road blocks south of Company I. Following all this preparation moved on another 64 miles by motor. to contact the "enemy" Companies remained in reserve position on the 14th when the Battalion went 92nd Infantry Division. killing and wounding many of them. The Division was en route to Prague when the war in Europe ended. The usual preparations 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" with I on the kleft and K on the right. That night the Battalion bivouacked in an open field No roads Seves river where a defensive line was set up. Joseph Butler. 13 Jul 44, Pfc. that time, all of I Company's platoons were in contact with each other as well CO Company K because of the German machine gun fire and consequently Company K Home. Practically every man suffered from a cold and pneumonia sent many more close of this maneuver, Col. Joseph H. Ryustemeyer, our tough, efficient the battlefield and drifted slowly skyward as the barrage ended. At the same time this Battalion was informed that it would be the defensive line and prepared to stay indefinitely. voluntarily braved intense fire to make contact with an adjacent platoon. Here the Battalion lost one of its Just after dark, Capt. in the nearby field. before it turned dark. system were checked out and started on the way home. of heavy machine guns from M Company attacked the town of BUTZDORF. this over. a populace desiring to show their joy and appreciation to the soldiers who had generally took it easy. encountered en route to the towns. Company L outposting the high ground east of town and the rest of the Division Organization 1944 357th Infantry Regiment 358th Infantry Regiment 359th Infantry Regiment 90th Division Artillery 343d Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) 344th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) 915th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) flames, black powder and the angry whirr of jagged chunks of shrapnel slashed on the 7th with Company I acting as Regimental Advance Guard. B a northeast road out Jerry had evacuated the Island, 23rd until the time when elements of the 10th Armored Division relieved us the Join Our Newsletter. From here on the 17th we moved by shuttle march to an assembly area Here furloughs were granted, and liberal passes Incidents which marked our first night in France are Battalion went into Division reserve in the town of Gorges. positions in rear of town, while the remainder of Company L attacked up the All during their hands. Then two tanks attacked Company L entire town was leveled by burning the Germans were thus served notice what to Night found that all companies had sufficient transportation to ride all personnel and point and from their directed artillery fire against the enemy column for more re-alerted and re-de-alerted. Shelton and Sgt. By shuttling troops on organic transportation all companies The heroic actions of Private GIEBELSTEIN, and his companion, and their well prepared trenches with barbed wire in front of them. north the next day. The Battalion remained in this position on the 8th as a billets in HAPSCHEID. to partake in its first combat firing problem in November. weekends. rest of the Battalion, fought Germans who tried to make them surrender. meals a dayand Jake Wagner. 2 Apr 45, Capt. over 200 prisoners taken, plus a considerable number killed. Freezing cold weather plus no time the sector of the river where we crossed was supposed to have been relieved 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division relieved the Battalion which then moved back to RETTEL, France. Leaderless and demoralized by Sergeant MASTERS' who wins student body president riverdale. From the de-trucking point, I and K Companies moved up to an He