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Get her out of bed.". Not at the expense of his daughter and heir. Catelyn Stark instead of giving birth to one child in Riverun, gives birth to three. He could never have anticipated allying with Sansa Stark of all people in order to do so. However, when the door was forced open, a more courageous Sansa did not stiffen and curl into herself like a frightened child. Non-Canon AU set in Westeros with some tweaks. She yearned for silence once more and wished to stare at the walls, but as the maids nervously paced the entrance to her chamber Sansa gathered the strength of will to politely ask for hot water to bathe and powders to hide the new bruise. A Lion and a Wolf. The lion, the wolf and the dragon. 2 #13 The Hound Protects Sansa Stark at the best online prices at eBay! Partially inspired by Akastuki no Yona, this was part of my NaNoWriMo entry for 2018. The story of a girl trying to find her big brother, and how she helped him keep his crown - and his head. Sansa Stark had traveled, to the past, to the future. Even amongst old recollections, Sansa remained uncomfortable within the stifling silence created by her maids' presence. Sansas fury awakens in her a power that hasnt been seen in Westeros since the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror. Prompt: warning: dubcon. whispered Sansa. Sansa was determined to convince her aunt to let Arya debut, which is how she finds herself in her current predicament. Her grief had festered and carried its own odor. And whats this?. Unknown to the world of men, the Old Gods, the Gods of Old Valaryia and the Mother Rhoyne have watched these events play out and they are not pleased, now they will unleash a radical plan to save the world of men and undo what has been done. As a result, the very fate of Westeros is altered. As the shaking singer finished Joffrey laughed and called the entire thing amusing with a smile that never left his face. A short story imagining the aftermath of such an action. Only then had Sansa realized that Joffrey and she were not alone in her chambers. Sansa stared unblinking and unfocused upon the head for several moments before she turned to her betrothed and asked, "How long must I look?". *Follows book canon with a little bit of show canon*. As they plummeted, the girl in her wondered if her tale would become a song. Between an uprising and now a blight on crops, the North faces a coming famine which will decimate their ranks if they do not find aid from the crown. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane Fanfictions, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Are there other obstacles on their path to happiness? by MegLPie (Meg) with 4,805 reads. Translated with google translator. "It's okay, Snow. It was calming and if she could manage to get away from the Lannisters and their guards more often, she would have made it a nightly habit to take a trip down to the stables to pet and groom the horses. Jon Hightower, the son of the Eddard Stark and Lynesse Hightower for some three years, he has tarried in the eastern lands learning all that could be learned from the mysterious people, yet for all his adventures in him is a yearning for hearth and home, alas even he could not imagine what awaited him after so long away but it shall be an adventure to remember. 6 Jun. What sort of effect will this have on the characters (namely Robb, Jon, Catelyn, and the rest of the Starks), their relationship to each other, and the story as a whole. A Lannister-centric canon rewrite with an aged-up Sansa who finds herself married to Jaime Lannister after King Joffrey dies. "Stannis finally sees the lengths both Melisandre and Selyse will go to ensure him a victory. So, the lords of the Vale have started questioning Sansa very sharply. Joffrey Baratheon, the new face ofThe Bachelor. Whrend der Reise haben beide Seiten Vertrauen gefasst, sich aneinander gewhnt. The Fool That Wished to be King She was free. "My lady, his grace has instructed me to escort you to the throne room.". a collection of letters from the desk of Queen Sansa Stark. Just a one shot that has been driving me crazy. Hand turns loom. Lyarra Snow, or Rhaena Targaryen, watched as friends and family fell to the dead's blades one by one to join the Night King's army. Go through a wall, cross a sea, travel an entire continent. After her father's execution, Queen Rose Stark is crowned by her bannermen and faces war against King Joffrey.Along the way she will confront many challenges in her quest to protect her younger sisters. Growls Jon Snow aka Balerion Targeryan, son of Rhaegar Targeryan and Lyanna Stark as he recognized the gray stone ceiling of his old bedroom at Winterfell. Three, when they told her she would marry Joffrey. And then Sansa does something very, very foolish. Sansa panted momentarily after shouting, and looked down as fresh tears rolled down her face. (But no one ever talks about Sansa Stark. But this year's Valentines Day has been months in the making Home from war, Sandor Clegane wants nothing to do with the horrors he faced, least of all the black-eyed monsters that nearly took his life. until they don't. New one every two weeks!This is the story of six great monarchs in the making, some of whom will rise and fall, some of whom will rise, fall, and rise again. It was just a really, really bad dream. Lucky for him, Sansa has always been willing to share. When Torrhen Stark knelt to Aegon Targaryen to protect The North from the wrath of dragon flame, however, the Starks forgot the language of winter- their gifts faded into legend. The second was a girl, Lyanna Stark. Based on the show. Sansa Stark haba viajado, al pasado, al futuro. Her father announces her betrothal one day just as she always knew he would and she plans to do her duty just as she has always been taught to do. A Fate Deserved The only problem? How will he react as his whole identity is put into question and he discovers he has a brother he never knew about? This one is your father. Title from "Storm I" from the musical The Secret Garden by Lucy Simon and Marsha Norman. ), Where the Gods gift House Stark and the North three wolves in their hour of need, and the wolves lead them to greatness. The threat of the White Walkers has never been so great. He was much too indomitable to run past or fight. Der Hund hat Sansa aus Knigsmund, durch den Krieg heim nach Winterfell gebracht. How could she have ever found him handsome when his putrid character emitted such a foul odor? Hes perplexing and familiar in a way she cant quite place and now he watches her every move. Instead, Joffrey was accompanied by his sworn shield Sandor Clegane, and Ser Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard. I mean, I know that communication over-land on the King's Road sucks, but this is getting seriously ridiculous. As she adjusts to a new school, Sansa encounters yet another mysterySunnydale Highs newest teacher, Mr. Clegane. Our services run deep and are backed by over ten years of experience. 3. They have a message for himhe has a calling and so does the girl in his dreams. Ramsay, volente o nolente, dovr seguirlo nelle sue battaglie visto che ormai, anche se il suo unico neurone non lo capisce, si perdutamente innamorato del giovane Greyjoy!Buona lettura e spero che vi divertirete quanto mi diverto io a scrivere!Non scrivo a scopo di lucro e personaggi e situazioni appartengono a registi, autori e produttori della serie TV Game of Thrones. A short story imagining the aftermath of such an action. An alternate take on S7/8, told from Jon's perspective. Hers made him want to strip the skin right off himself. Desmera Redwyne has dreams of her life being like the songs she sings and the tales she reads but she knows that is not true. Elements of Robin Hood and some Once Upon a Time Snowing parallels included as well. On the rarest occasion, she was even brave enough to run towards the danger with a golden candelabrum in her hands ready to strike. 6. After Bran is chosen as King and Sansa secures the North as an independent Kingdom, she has to go home and figure out exactly how to rule. Sansa and Brienne of Tarth ride to Molestown to meet with Petyr Baelish. "Congratulations, my lady" the master smiled completely sure. Chaos ensues. The revelation was a powerful tempestuous force within Sansa, and she could do nothing, nor desired to contain the words bursting from within her. Oh man, are those ribs?, Baby back ribs with barbeque. Sansa replied quietly. The king was getting bored. She screamed as she noted their lifeless expressions. The scared little girl emerged once more, and Sansa pled with tears in her eyes not to be taken up the steps. Two boys and one girl, with the girl always being the second child. Your service title Give us a brief description of the service that you are promoting. Her more sensible nature understood that her death would make her brothers fight for justice that much easier when he did not have a hostage to worry for. Each step was a struggle, and the further she walked the more steps there seemed to be. When she entered the Great Hall Sansa saw him first, Joffrey seated upon his throne, towering over all others as he dispensed the twisted acts of cruelty which delighted him to call justice. I mean to make out your character.And what have you discovered so far?, Very little. Jon admitted. the hound and sansa fanfiction. Wipe yourself!". There were no true knights here. Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark. It was not until Joffrey had concluded hearing petitions for the day and slowly descended the Iron Throne that his eyes met with Sansa's. Bitter, judgmental, angry, and with a massive chip on his shoulder, there's no way he'll find himself drawn to the the friendly, upbeat team physician, Dr. Stark, right? Daeron Targaryen fights to survive in the fiery land of Valyria, with nothing more but his friends and a exiled lord of Westeros, whom had fled the tyranny of Tywin Lannister. This leads to her asking where babies come from. Show canon events up until Season 3 remain the same, except with an aged-up Sansa. In the books, the Hound also had a more overt attraction to Sansa. And if they can, what does this mean for House Lannister and indeed the fate of Westeros itself? ?what the fuck??? His touch might have once thrilled and excited her, but those hands choked her with overwhelming feelings of revulsion and hatred now. Includes Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Jaime Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Bran Stark, Bronn, Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane Podrick Payne, Tormund Giantsbane, Joffrey Baratheon, Grey Worm, Grenn, Robb Stark, Ramsay Bolton/Snow, Daario Naharis, Tommen Baratheon. While Sansa nurtures tender thoughts of having a child, Sandor worries. "He was a traitor. I had wanted to tag the relationship for this story as Sansa Stark/Desmera Redwyne but for some reason was unable to so the OC female character here is actually Desmera Redwyne. Sansa/Sandor shippers love this theory :) - Ongoing. Pero que poda hacer? (The people of the North did not know that at the time, but from then on every time triplets were born to House Stark, they would always be born in that order. Especially when he has to live through the day againand againand again. She smirked like a hungry wolf and let the blood trickle down her chin. Sansa's head pounded, her lip was busted, and the fallen tears mixed with the blood on her face. Can Brienne open her heart to him, and take the chance to love someone again? Work Search: No, The Hound didn't kiss Sansa. Sansa Stark loves her new life in the country. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She knew what it was to lose a beloved parent, and now, just like her, her little cousin was without any parents at all. all that is left of their memories is only what the other sees in them, for they cannot speak to one another, they cannot meet eyes. Ned Starks bastard daughter was not confused about what her fate meant, and she had no issues with it. Jon looked back at her, eyebrow quirked in response at her strange behavior, before turning his attention back to his plate. And the only thing Jon says is a loud and sincere, from the bottom of his heart oh, fuck. A groundhog day AU set after A Dance with Dragons where Sandor has to live Sansas wedding day over and over again. ~~ Qu tan difcil era? tanita tikaram is she married; tiger man and dog woman compatibility I hear such differing accounts of you as to puzzle me exceedingly. Ella ya no era aquella nia, joven e inocente. 5. She comes to this meeting with ideas of her own. Read An Execution from the story Crossing Worlds (A Sandor Clegane fanfiction.) Which this story doesn't go to, but rest assured, in this universe he totally wins because Sansa is too sad about Reek taking the baby to really do much to help. As they take and lose power, they are drawn to each other, and must fight side by side against their common enemies. Having fled the battle which should have seen him imprisoned or killed, Euron Greyjoy moves North with a handful of loyal men, a horn which can bind dragons to his will and powers which can match those of Brandon Stark, the Three-Eyed Raven. The moments between Joffrey's departure and the arrival of her maids passed far too quickly for Sansa. This work's creator has chosen to moderate comments on the work. The long night is lost, Bran sends Sansa back in time to stop the extinction of dragons. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. When he asks her to leave. They walked through the Red Keep and to the outside areas of the castle. Ich wollte den beiden einfach ihren kleinen Moment schenken. Now while taking his role as the New Hand, Ned Stark brings his brood, including his newly knighted son with plenty of experience from the capital, to King's Landing with him and Westeros and Ned himself will be changed forever. I wrote what she told me! But the Red Wolf of Winterfell is reborn. By her side the man who used to be known as the Kingslayer. No different than a beta. Sansa's relationship with the Hound mirrors the tale of Beauty And The Beast, which writer George RR Martin adapted for television in 1987. A heartbeat passed, then with more conviction she said, "I hate you!". Since the day Joffrey killed her father. Noblewoman Sansa Stark gave birth to a son, with hair as dark as raven, eyes as misty as the fog at dawn. The Hound had Arya in his care for almost two seasons, and they ran into trouble all the time. legacy obituaries springfield, mo / fidelity foundation address boston / hound and sansa fanfiction. He's the Steward of Winterfell, living a comfortable, busy life, he's got a sense of purpose, and he's got Sansa but something is still missing, and it takes a lot to admit that this something might be found with the King in the North. NOTE: Rewrite of Marked from Beneath the Weirwood Tree Part 2 of Soulmarks and Weirwoods Language: English Words: 39,378 Much to her surprise, Brienne soon finds herself attracted to the Wildling she once spurned. Let it be known, no good ever came to a Stark who went South. Having fun with the hound. She became a raven and flew home to the North, to the Old Gods, and to her father. Corpse Company Her fake fiance just so happens to be in the city when he was not supposed to be. Sansa sat on the floor and stared at his body, waiting for him to stand but he was still on the ground when the sun rose. Dog! He reached for the bowl of greens, scooping up a serving for himself. ", Down in the crypts, when I was speaking with Tyrion, I told him the only thing we could do now was look the truth in the face. She stepped closer. Yet she has been abused, discarded and thrown away. Sansa was a beautiful flower that had livened up the darkened halls of King's Landing. romance. One two three in four five six seven out.". Her body instinctively stiffened as she forced herself to look upon the hateful gaze of her husband to be. Until they cut off her father's head, and Sansa Stark freezes over all of Blackwater Bay in her grief. Fourth and fifth could come together: both times she have slept with men. Three, when they told her she would marry Joffrey.Fourth and fifth could come together: both times she have slept with men. Drogon and Viserion are very confused by him, GoT rewrite cause im masochist and petty (what says in the tin), Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell/Margaery Tyrell, The Kingsguard face the consequences of the Rebellion, with the tragic canon consequences that we know, Tywin Lannister will do anything for his beloved son, Myrcella and Rickon understand more than the adults think they do, Canon Divergence - Battle of Winterfell | Final Battle Against the White Walkers, playing the game of thrones to win this time, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Sansa Stark & Original House Stark Character, Sansa Stark/Aegon Targaryen (Son of Elia), This could be seen as a sequel to my works were Sansa discovers magic, this fic shows a dark future where Sansa has succumbed, the cost being her family and lover and most of her humanity, Some people cant be saved by anyone but themselves, Power does not corrupt. She was proud and she knew to stand up for herself. I have been searching for a trail to follow again'. As Joffrey finished his sentence a proud smirk twisted his features, and Sansa wondered with shuddering disgust if he was truly delusional enough to believe that he had actually been merciful. Your Northern traitor stench disgusts me! This work is currently published as a series of the same title, but I am in the process of turning it into a single work with multiple chapters, which is a more appropriate format. Preference 02: Nightmares. For thousands of years, House Stark was stronger than all of them- holding the north with mages who could command winter herself. Sansa Stark, back in the restored Winterfell after the War of the Five Kings. A very little bird, knowing better than to peck the lion but still wishing she had the courage. POV Sansa Stark. Hey . Reviews for The North Remembers. Not like those other omegas, the ones that flirt and steal husbands. best tattoo shops in orange county / nepal covid restrictions / hound and sansa fanfiction. And knowing what they know, the Stark's set out to change everything. Your service title . jonsa. It troubled her that she believed the reality of such an action, perhaps wouldn't be so terrible. At a distance far from what could be seen she knew lay the North and Winterfell. He's not looking for honor for his family, or money, or anything. No, she's a good omega, just like her mother taught her. Tyrion's men defeat the surprised Baratheon forces before facing a larger group of Stannis's men. laurence tribe famous students the hound and sansa fanfiction. Response to prompt by lenina20 for the sansa_sandor comment fic meme on LJ. Was it true what he said? I will continue to publish as works in a series while I work on this transition, in order to keep track of existing storylines. But then one of the fortress maids knocks on the door and tells him to prepare for the arrival of the royal entourage. Queen Sansa Stark must learn who to trust. He does not know what he wishes to stare at the longer; the welcoming curve of her lips or the swelling of her belly. gameofthrones sansan # 5 Home town by ian.love 4 0 2 ( just an story ) this is an love story that will be romantic and emotional sansan goodbye lark +2 more # 6 ", Joffrey's sneer was instantaneous and his response ugly. It's a question asked many times: What if King Robert Baratheon's trueborn son had survived his illness? While; Lyarra Snow, the bastard of Winterfell, finds herself in the cold bitter lands of the far North. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (20), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin (21), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms (10), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), One by One the Walls Give Way (but do not hide your face), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, a castle full of OCs as Winterfell's personnel, total and utter disregard for most of season 8, a corset in a world where corsets don't exist, i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm, and when he doesn't pick up on it she has to be a little more clear for sweet oblivious Jon, Redamancy (n.) - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full, well as slow as it can get with sansa already being preggo with jon's baby, but they don't know that for quite some time. The entire story has been translated by google translator. Just a series of one-shots set within the universe of "A Song of Stars and Steel." The Hound was surprisingly gentle in how he removed Sansa from the bed, especially for a man with such a fierce reputation. I won't do any treason! When Cersei dies giving birth to a stillborn Tommen; King Robert Baratheon decides to ride North and claim the Stark bride he'd thus far been denied. The monster that she called her betrothed was so poorly concealed. Or was it another dream? "I hate you." But what happens when her suppressants fail and shes forced to confront the thing she never wanted to be? Sansa Stark is neither- an outcast in her own family, no matter how hard she prays. The eldest daughter of the Warden of the North seems to have up and vanished. But, beneath its charming veneer, this place hides something wicked. Harlon Stark knows that his grandparents had five children. He is also no pov, so in the end we can't be sure what's in his head. En este mundo, el prncipe Rhaegar no puede resistirse por 1 ao a los encantos de la Loba de Winterfell y se encama con ella en el Torneo de Harrenhall. Her maids cleaned the blood from her face, washed and brushed her tangled dirty hair, and prepared the tub. Aemond gives Helaena what he's always wanted: a collar for her pretty neck. Please consider turning it on! "I am king now stupid girl! Long-running fic following events of Winterfell, War of the Five Kings, Northern Kingdom building, Daenerys return to Westeros, and the War for the Dawn. Sansa Stark, Queen in the North, makes a request of her loyal Hound. It is the long-awaited wedding day of Lady Sansa and Ser Jaime and Sandor Clegane is not thrilled. the origins of a vampire slayer and her watcher. While visiting the house, Sansa meets Petyr Baelish, her estranged aunt's new husband. Silencio, solo silencio y cuando Aemond se atrevi a abrir su unico ojo sano, ah le vi Una figura alta y majestuosa, vestida en una magnifica armadura del color de la leche y las estrellas, tena un yelmo con forma de cabeza de lobo, y cuando se movi Aemond distingui una espada que brill como la escarcha al sol, hielo puro y casi transparente Servant de la clase Ruler, te pregunto Eres t mi master? Sandor is then met with the woman that is to be his mate: Alayne Stone. Life is not truly a song. And Joffrey was crushing her. Her latest punishment set her at odds with her family and coworkers: Sansa left the North to go rescue the Riverlands that were being drowned by floods never before seen on record. But Sansa did not know if she could be as brave as the girl in her dreams who was prepared to do the unexpected. They accidentally go back in time to the day when everything went to fiery hell in a handheld basket. Work Search: If Brienne could give Tormund a chance, he would give her the world. The singer had been accused of writing and playing a song that mocked the late King Robert. I GUESS THEY'LL HAVE TO DO THAT FOR EACH OTHER THEN HUH? Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard is a broken man after his sister's death; though he does not show it. That is until her parents find out. Sometimes she pled for mercy, for help, she cried and howled. There were five things that happened in Sansa's life that had a significative matter; one, she could think, was the first time she arrived Kings Landing with her father and sister. Sansa no longer bothered to wipe away the tears that trailed down her face. Turn it around so she can get a proper look.". Its 2004, and Arya drags her Sister Sansa to a concert. One head he claimed was her former Septa, and mentioned another belonging to Jory Cassel, who once served as captain of her father's household guard. Lo nico seguro, era aquello por lo que haba muerto la primera vez, El juego de tronos. A Lady & The Tramp/SanSan mashup! Childhood memories were cut down before they could truly take form by the aggravated tone of Joffrey as he asked, "What are you looking at? When Sansa moves to Sunnydale, California, she expects the town to live up to its cheerful name. In the south, Robb Stark & Jon Snow steel themselves for the trials of war. Even with the salve Maester Luwin prepared for him, he had cried himself to sleep for nearly a fortnight. In a twist of fate, Sansa Stark is not stopped by Sandor when she attempts to throw herself and King Joffrey from the ramparts when he forces Sansa to look upon her father's head. Good Girl R.B. And after the Purple Wedding, when Jaime is given a choice to save his brother from death by marrying Sansa Stark, who has not managed to escape with the fool, what will the Golden Lion do? When the king dies and Joffrey becomes king Larrisa's life becomes hell. Instead of playing off against one another, the three outcasts form a unit, and begin to plot and plan, attempting to wrest power back from those in charge Cersei, Joffrey, and Tywin. She shuddered with sadness at the thought that this wall would be the closest she would ever come to home. There are old feuds and tensions among those gathering to fight together, plenty of them being a result of the War of the King. He never thought he would ever fall in love again, much less with another melancholy Queen. In London they join family friends the Baratheons and the fashionable young Tyrells in a world of romance and balls. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Her only choice is to trek back to the shady looking biker bar she passed not too long ago and hope she won't regret it. Devotion (GOT Fanfic) 41 parts Ongoing . The Old Gods gives her her sister, her savior, and her sovereignty. El tiempo siempre era incierto, hoy era alguien y maana ya no. But what could he do? The boy had wanted desperately to see the Bloody Gate, and Sansa thought to give him this one nice thing. A story about kindred spirits overcoming emotional baggage, while each of them deal with the fallout of certain secrets about them being revealed. He was given a clean death instead.". Determined to be part of her community, she has visited all her new neighbours except one. The Stark who drove a piece of a weirwood into her belly and dragonglass into her Heart and ultimately helped turn the tide of war against the Others.) Please consider turning it on! Work Search: But that is not all. Lots of chaos at Winterfell, that's what. There Is Gold On The Mountains Of the North, Robert's Rebellion is called Eddard's Rebellion, N Plus A Equals L | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Lyarra Sand's Parents, Alternate Universe - A Song of Ice and Fire Fusion, Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, Otto Hightower is still a terrible father, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault (trigger warnings provided in specific chapters notes), Bloodstone Emperor (A Song of Ice and Fire), R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents, mentions of incest within the canon world, Sansa is precious and will be protected by the Lannister brothers. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". |OS Pairing: Sansa x Sandor wobei Sansa etwas OOC geraten ist. Destiny fucks Alethia over once more. Jaime, unsure how to answer says they should consult the baby making expert. ", author's note: you will find the new material on chapter 21: viii. Sansa's marriage to Tyrion has not yet occurred. 9. Sansa snapped. Sansa Stark is the descendent of kings. If he wasn't your father I would have had him tortured and flayed or fed to wild dogs.