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A deep inner feeling that you just cant explain? These give the strongest indications of starseed origins when complemented with additional markings. Angel Number 1122 Meaning: 5 Major Reasons Youre Seeing It! With so many different races and star systems involved, it can be challenging to work out where your soul comes from. Let Debbie bridge the gap by helping you connect to your star origins and lineage. Moon in houses 4th, 8th, 9th, or 12th house is extremely common with starseeds. Look to see how many of your . When you piece that together in an equation, it looks something like: 10,000,000,000 X 100,000,000,000 = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 STARS! Or, do you feel you do have starseed characteristics but not sure what star system you're from originally? While much of this information is relatively easy to channel and comprehend, there are several perspectives on how Starseeds come to Earth and the many types of Starseeds. Some of them have come to this planet for their benefit or to support a darker mission. Starseeds being the Celestial progression of ascension into the Galactic and Quantum realms . 1. They are driven to greatness and try to help others see what they can achieve with the same motivation. When you say if a planet or sign is strong in the chart what does that mean? Please note, just because you dont have these placements, it doesnt mean youre not a starseed. Pleiadian. "starseed readings" or galactic origin readings started when i began looking into fixed stars, as well as galactic heritages, like andromedan, or pleiadian. its unlikely for someone with a true starseed origin to have these markings in their chart, mainly due to stubbornness (though not impossible if supported by other markings!). The Lyrans from Lyra are the most aligned with the physical world. Consider the possibility that time does not exist and that all matter changes or expands in each moment. They want to have gotten there already, not putting much stock in the value of the process of getting there in the first place. Luckily, the website mentioned above pulls all of your planet positions, houses, aspects, and nodes into a few handy charts which are easy to read. The Pleiades stars, for example, are a cluster of stars known since ancient times. 32 Major Signs Your Soul is From A Distant Light System, How to Tell if Youre Going Through a Deep Starseed Awakening. People often overlook the journey for the destination. Orion starseeds come from the Orion constellation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The lyran starseed is known for a fascination with the ancient world, an interest in magic and sorcery, and a desire to make contact with ascended masters or angelic beings. So, for exampleyou feel connected to Pleiades and have been told in the past that you are Pleiadian but I tell you that you are from Orion. cynthia petion church Types of Starseeds: Depending on the star of their origin, Starseeds are different from each other. Following the Celestial markers of the Lunar Mansions. Types of Starseeds are as follow: Starseed Test: check here Sirian starseed: Sirius is the multi-star system having more than one sun.Founded by Saoirse Clare . for instance, my boyfriend, who appears distinctly pleiadian, has his ascendant on the pleiades. If Aries is strong, an Arcturian or Cygnus connection is likely. The moon in water signs or in the ninth house is likely to have Starseed origins. These are just the most commonly known ones. You should be receiving an order confirmation from Paypal shortly. Okay, so there are many, many trines and planetary aspects to watch out for when looking for a starseed presence in a chart! They know that we are meant to be connected to our souls while incarnated in a physical body. If you have repeating numbers in any of the degree or aspect positions e.g. Most (but not all) starseeds have an empathetic, free-flowing side to them. 2 appearances? It doesnt necessarily mean that it was the first place that your spirit existed. All living beings have a unique purpose, each of which gives birth to soul-specific skills and talents. Hadarians as a soul group bring Divine Love, in two different ways: they radiate and give love in their personal interactions with others when they are incarnated here. I now other starseeds but unsure of their origin. I have done astrology since about 8-10yo, mathematics, computer programmer since 1996, artist, musician and I have music apps up on the Android store since 2016. You believe in God but not in the sense of a deity that sits on a cloud. There isnt a hard and fast rule as to what a strong influence looks like. Contemporary physicist. FREE, {{ review.firstName }} {{ review.lastName }}, {{ review.createdAt | date: 'MM/dd/yyyy' }}. The older your soul, the more of these races you will identify with. While Aries, Virgo, and Sagittarius placements indicate a past Starseed origin. Ascendant Signs: Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, and Sagittarius, 3rd House: Uranus (*very common), Neptune, Chiron, 6th House: Neptune (*BIG indicator), Saturn, or Uranus, 7th House: Pluto, Mercury, Moon, Venus, or North Node, 8th House: South Node, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, 9th House: Mars (*very common), Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, 11th House: Jupiter (*very common), Sun (*BIG indicator), Uranus, Mars. The answer is rarely completely straightforward, and for most people, it turns out that they have a few different star systems of origin. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. This can occur when souls are in utero or at any other point in their lives. These cookies do not store any personal information. Freedom is the highest value in your life. Ive read many birth charts over the years. Included in this reading is the new Ebook "Stargates" This is an important book because it covers the information everyone needs to know when they begin to open to working with myself and your starseed information. Gemini has ties with dualism and polarity, so these markings can indicate a recent Sirian, Orion or Arcturian incarnation. When they are not incarnated, this is still a soul group who sees it as their mission to raise the vibration of planet Earth, and as a group they are sending out Divine Love, like a beacon, to Planet Earth, so that we may be reminded of the existence of Divine Love, at times when it is needed here. Thank you for this detailed explanation! I haven't booked a reading and this isn't an endorsement nor is this an affiliate link, but if you're interested you can check her service out here. 2019 All rights & trademarks reserved He lovingly offers intuitive readings and inspirational guidance for decision-making, healing, self-discovery, and forgiveness. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also, a moon and mars connection, too. When Starseeds are part of spiritual lineages that seeks to help humanity, then they may have higher levels of intelligence and a more expanded collective consciousness. Being near the water is a comfort to you. Aquarius is also one to watch out for. Other signs in Sun that could indicate past starseed origin include: Virgo, Aries, and Sagittarius. But on the other hand, they also bring spiritual energies into the physical realm, too. Reading charts is a skill in itself, one that will develop over time. The final album before the breakup of Sybreed, "God is an Automaton" was the point at which the band arguably settled into their sound, an interesting mixture of programmed synthesizers and It should now say vJoy - Virtual Joystick beneath the Assigned . Please email orcontact me or any personal inquiries. Paul Wagner is a spiritual teacher, intuitive reader, and experienced life & business coach. It would be fair to say that Starseeds come in all shapes and sizes. Look to see how many of your chart's alignments are within the 25 to 27 degree range. Pluto and North node in Libra. 1. Are you wondering if you're originally not from Earth, but a starseed from a different star system? E.g. In this article in the Soul Origin Series, I am giving you some insight into how to tell you might be a Starseed based on your . Can Sacred Geometry Produce Musical Harmony? Thank you! Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; Origin marks and Incarnation marks. Zavijava (Virgo) 28. For her work, she's been named UK Womenspire Woman of the Year, awarded the title of Yale Young Global Scholar, and featured as an expert across major networks such as, Best Life, Oprah Winfrey Network, BBC, Soul & Spirit, Psychology Today, Pop Sugar, Well & Good and Cosmopolitan. This is reflected in his Akasha Paradigm which he relates to human evolutionary processes. Each has an archetype but remember, not everybody fits neatly into little boxes, and you might identify with more than one of these types. Andromedans are fiercely independent and place the most value on individuality, self-control, and autonomy. Hello! The only exception to this rule is with Virgo and Taurus south nodes. Its easy to become distracted by the latest spiritual systems or the most charismatic spiritual media stars. I dont tend to look much at the Sun sign when giving readings because theyre so general and dont tell us much about ourselves beyond surface-level personality. I'm a full time freelance astrologer who is currently going through the freelance struggles. Starseeds are souls who have chosen to incarnate on Earth but are originally from another star system, such as the Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius, Orion, as well as multiple other stars, constellations and galaxies. All birth data provided by the client is solely for the use of the Akashic reading or birth chart, and is never shared, ever. otherwise - i do have more slots open for my starseed readings & charts, so i will tell you a little about them. You'll get two color charts and an MP3 of your starseed confirmation and extended reading emailed to you. Its fun to IMAGINE all of this I like early mornings my star Sirius often hangs in my backyard and in the wee hours of the morning about 3:15 am I awake and many time Sirius is right over my house flickering a blue and red Show! Based on some awarenesses, behaviors and energies Im seeing in myself recently and now reading about Mission Realmers I find I identify very strongly with them. 27 Virgo 10. Data safety. Labrum (Crater), Alkaid (Ursa Major) 27. All my life I've always felt different from everyone. mine is in virgo at 1914. Sirian: These souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is the brightest star in the Earth's sky. Starseeds can be machinists, teachers, dancers, artists, politicians, or frustrated stock analysts, as well as depressed, joyful, wild, contained, limited, or expansive, just like the rest of us. They have huge amounts of faith and trust in Divine that they can bring to others. Starseed readings available now - find out more info below! Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. Metaphysician Rudolf Steiner also referenced the Akashic Records, asserting that every action, word, and thought leaves a trace in etheric realms. 12 Symbols of Patience. 12 Best Crystals for Starseeds: Connect With Your Cosmic Roots. Install. past, parallel, and future lives, both off-world and on . You might also be wondering how you got here and if youll ever return. Parallels have lots of different reasons for choosing to come to Earth, and their own soul purpose will depend on what they are exploring here. You often experience FOMO (fear of missing out), You think life can be really awesome, and youre happy to be incarnated now at this juncture in the worlds history, You dislike being told what to do by others, You often feel spacey or distracted; like youre not fully engaged with life, Although you have big dreams, youre often not all that driven to achieve your goals, Youve had to reinvent yourself multiple times during this lifetime, You know that the possibilities for your life are endless, and youre excited by this idea, You think its important to bear in mind that when making a decision, we always have more options than we think we do, Youre not sure if youre a lightworker or if your purpose is about contributing something amazing to this planet you prefer to live your life and just see what happens, Love & relationships is the most important area of your life, to the extent that your motto in life could be: all you need is love, Youve had multiple (i.e. I love this website to automatically draw up birth charts. So basically I do a PDF with all your origins in the Tropical and Sidereal with two different methods. My Starseed reading will show you your galactic origin and I will write a full, detailed report on your Starseed family, characteristics, challenges while here on earth, your Starseed . Parallels Parallel souls are souls who come to us from completely different universes (when I refer to universe, I am referring to the totality of all that is everything that we know of: planets, star systems, galaxies, solar systems.) Each of these temporary self-identities has limitations and consequences. Sometimes I feel as if I was a giant sea creature too. You know (or have been told) that you are an old soul, Youve been accused of being a Pollyanna someone who is excessively optimistic, You believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything works out in the end, You have so much compassion for other people, The state of this planet and the wellbeing of those who live here, matter to you deeply, You currently offer spiritual or personal growth services (such as readings or coaching) to the general public, or youre drawn to training in this area, You really hope that this is your last incarnation here on planet Earth because you find this world to be way too negative,