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Withnail: You want me to call what's-his-name and ask him about his house? That's what you'd say, but that wouldn't wash with Geoff. Marwood : No, no, you can't. It's impossible, I swear it. "Here, Hare, Here" -Monty (responding to rabbit nailed to door . It's horrible really but they like that, the little girls. I think there may be something living in there, I think there may be something alive. Bastard asked me to understudy Konstantin in The Seagull. I must be ill. Withnail: Right, you f***er, I'm going to do the washing up. I been watching you, especially you, prancing like a tit. I have just finished fighting a naked man! The greatest decade in the history of mankind is over. "It's gone. *Arrrgh*! What goods the countryside? He told me that first day you came to Chelsea. Oh, of course you are. Listen, I don't know what my f acquaintance did to upset you but it's nothing to do with me. We may as well sit round this cigarette. Burnt! Always full of women staring out of windows, whining about ducks going to Moscow. Headhunter to everyone. Withnail: What is it? What good's the side? Withnail: The thermostats! Withnail and I is a comedy-drama film which got pretty popular. The Coalman had to go to Jamaica. Marwood: I've no idea, I've never met him. [after being threatened by Jake the poacher] Change down, man. Monty: The movie, which takes place in England in late 1969, involves the misadventures of a pair of chronically unemployed actors. Talk:Withnail and I. But old now, old. Offer him yourself. His head must weigh fifty pounds on its own. I'll deal with the water and other plumbings, you can check the fuel and wood situation. Marwood: Jesus Christ! Headhunter to his friends. Oh, bollocks to the Wellingtons. I was merely making an observation. What should we do? Monty: Withnail. Danny: Don't get uptight with me, man. That's what I want to know! I've some extremely distressing news. We live in a land of weather forecasts and breakfasts that set in, shat on by Tories, shovelled up by Labour, and here we are, we three; perhaps the last island of beauty in the world. [casually lighting a cigarette] Marwood: Hello? I do. Withnail: Withnail: I'm the firelighter and fuel collector. I tried not to. It's too hot so he drops it]. Speed, is like a dozen transatlantic flights without ever getting off the plane Time change. Half dead he may be, but I'll come up after you, and I'll wake you up with a live one. Withnail: I feel like a pig shat in my head. Monty: Jake: Marwood: quotes military heroes famous quotesgram. But sooner or later you've got to get out because it's crashing. Marwood: "I f*** arses"? Cos if you do, I'll have to give you a dose of medicine. He doesn't have any friends. Withnail: Will it? You got a rush. I know where you are, you're at Crow Crag. It sent chills up and down my spine when Keith quotes Prabhupada when he said . Street: the embalmer. Marwood: We worked out it would be very handy karma for him to get hold of a suit. Marwood: It's true, I crept the boards in my youth. We're in the middle of a f***ing gale. [voiceover] I'm a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum! This *is* the morning. You got a rush. Black puddings are no good to us. We might wanna do a film in here. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Gold, Guns and God: Swami Bhaktipada and the West Virginia Hare . Because if you do, I'll have to give you a dose of medicine. Listen, you young prat. No, that is a dog. Marwood: Little tarts, they love it! If your father was my father you wouldn't get it. [ruefully] If my father was loaded I'd ask him for some money. Four floors up on the Charing Cross road and never a job at the top of them. I feel unusual. And indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory. Monty: It's society's crime, not ours. "Geoff Woade is feeling better and is now prepared to step back into society and start tossing his orb about." He is even taller than Withnail and much more burly. My heart's beating like a fucked clock! You've got a rush. Withnail: I'll not have this shag sack insulting me! Look at him! It's like Greenland in here. Monty: report. Withnail hands Marwood the bag of shopping and jumps over the wall to safety. The paragon of animals! Marwood: My thumbs have gone weird! We worked out it would be handy karma for him to get hold of a suit but he's a very low temperature spade, the Coalman. Well neither have I. The poets represented in the book include the Old Wykehamists John Crommelin-Brown, Lord Alfred Douglas, Robert Ensor, A. P. Herbert, George Huddesford, Lionel Johnson, William Lipscomb, Robert Seton-Watson, Thomas Adolphus Trollope . Ah, he knows. Marwood: We don't want a rabbit, we want a pheasant. These eels are for my pot. Danny: Please don't. How dare you tell him I'm a toilet trader?! The school in fiction Poetry. Withnail freezes in terror with a mouthful of pie, ripping Withnail's tartan scarf off his neck, Withnail suddenly runs out of the pub, so does Marwood, Marwood is in the pub toilets, after walking past a hulking Irishman who's called him a ponce, Withnail picks up a bottle of lighter fluid, he pours the lighter fluid down his throat. "Curse of the Superman. Listen to this. Man delights not me, no, nor women neither. Withnail: I think we've been in here too long. The meaning dawns on him. "Withnail and I Quotes." Get into countryside, rejuvenate. The paragon of animals. Withnail: There must and shall be aspirin, or I shall die, here, on this f***ing mountainside! Withnail: I assure I'm not [drunk], officer, honestly, I've only had a few light ales. Here, I dont want it. Withnail And I - Wikipedia Web. Withnail: Right you f***er, I'm going to do the washing up! [is being arrested for drunk driving] This huge, thatched head with its earlobes and cannonball is now considered sane. Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: War Quotes - YouTube Withnail: Stop saying that! The Withnail and I film script contains a virtually non-stop array of one-liners from all the main characters - and for this reason the film is often touted as being one of the most quotable films ever made. The man is rich and homosexual and he tries to persuade them, but he gives up because he's convinced there's something between them. No, no, no, dear boy, you must leave, you must leave. Yes, we'll buy this place and we'll install a fucking jukebox in here and liven all you stiffs up a bit! Rubbish. He can eat his ****ing radish. Be seated. Balls! Marwood: Excuse me, we were wondering if we could purchase a pheasant off of you? [Danny offers Withnail his huge Camberwell Carrot spliff] Just think of it with bacon across its back. Tea Shop Proprietor: That means we'll miss out on Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning. Be seated. Marwood: [eating chips while taking a bath] Ive got your saveloy. Withnail: What's it got to do with you? Peter Marwood (I): Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day. Withnail: And this one has a definite imbalance of hormone in him. Trying for even more advantage. [referring to the radish on Monty's lapel] Right, you fucker, I'm going to do the washing up. You're looking very beautiful, man. Uncle Monty: Here hare here here hare here! Imagine getting into a fight with the fucker! I've told you why. You won't keep us anywhere. Monty: Isaac Parkin: It's obsessed with its gut. [Withnail sees Marwood eating some brownish fluid out of a bowl with a spoon] "GET IN THE BACK OF THE VAN!" "I feel like a pig shat in my head." "Don't threaten me with a dead fish." "A coward you are, Withnail. Black puddings are no good to us. They can handle the caftan but they cannot handle the bell. Would you like a drink? This is me naked in a corner! Withnail: Stop saying that, Withnail! Just because the best tailoring you've ever seen is above your f***ing appendix doesn't mean anything! Best kill it quick before it tries to make friends with us. Marwood: There is a certain. It's ridiculous. What have you found? [cheerfully hopping back over the wall] Withnail: Marwood: You know what we should do? Then the fucker will rue the day! Wait till the morning, we'll go in together. [they go and sit down at a table with their drinks]. Opened the oven door and it was in there looking at me. Withnail: Why don't I get any soup? Withnail: Dosed 'em. Let him get his drugs out. It'll pass. Withnail: Marwood: That's what you say. Those are the kind of windows faces look in at. Uncle Monty: Here hare here here hare here! Marwood: What is all this "tactical necessity" and "calculated risk?!" Armed with this splendid script, Richard E. Grant executes a tour de force as a relentlessly angry-at-the-world unemployed actor and raging alcoholic. Danny: Then why's he wearing that old suit? Jesus Christ. Honestly. She said she'd closed. [holding umbrella in rain] grant . Here was a man with 3/4 of an inch of brain who'd taken a dislike to me. The entire sink's gone rotten. Don't suppose you've engaged, have you? I think we'd better release you from the lgumes and transfer your talents to the meat. The bastard's about to run at me! Just because the best tailoring you've ever seen is above your f***ing appendix doesn't mean anything! Sulking up the hill. First thing we've got to do is get this fire alight, then we split into two fact-finding groups. Marwood: These aren't accidents! Withnail and I is a 1986 film comedy written and directed by Bruce Robinson and starring Richard E. Grant (Withnail), Paul McGann (Marwood, the "I" of the title), Richard Griffiths (Uncle Monty) and Ralph Brown (Danny). Withnail: He's going into your room. Here it is: Movie Drone: I Heart - Withnail And I Bastard must have died. Wait till the morning, we'll go in together. I'll sleep here. Withnail: Hare. No! Nor women neither. Cooking's one of the natural instincts. Yes, as a matter of fact I have. Get any more masculine than him and you'd have to live up a tree. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight. And as Presuming Ed here has so consistently pointed out, we have failed to paint it black. Where's the aspirins? Time change. Withnail: Oh, Christ almighty. Withnail: Danny: Rejuvenate? How dare you! They're selling hippie wigs in Woolworths, man. Withnail: He doesn't have any friends. This is a device enabling the drunken driver to operate in absolute safety. 2 quotes have been tagged as withnail-i: Bruce Robinson: 'We've gone on holiday by mistake' and Bruce Robinson: 'Here. It's like Greenland in here. What is all this tactical necessity and calculated risk? We want the finest wines available to humanity. They're selling hippie wigs in Woolworth's, man. Marwood: ", Oh! Amy Audrey Locke's 1912 In Praise of Winchester offers an anthology of over 100 pages of prose and verse about Winchester College. Then they must be delighted with your career. Hair are your aerials. We are not drunks, we are multimillionaires! A pair of quadruple whiskies and another pair of pints, please. You're looking very beautiful, man. Oh, but how dreadful. I assure you I'm not, officer. C*nt give him two years. Peter Marwood (I): We want the finest wines available to humanity! We get in there and get wrecked, then we'll eat a pork pie, then we'll drop a couple of Surmontil-50's each. According to these instructions, you refuse everything but a urine sample. Followed by yet another anecdote about his sensitive crimes in a punt with a chap called Norman who had red hair and a book of poetry stained with the butter drips from crumpets. I expect they're dead down the drain. Withnail: When I come in, I seen one the size of a fucking dog. Especially that pimp! How *dare* you! Marwood: [overtaking a car on the motorway] Withnail: - Monty: Youre going to finish the vegetables. Withnail: Yet again that oaf has destroyed my day! I'm in the middle of a bloody overdose! Then why has my head gone numb? We're in danger, we've got to get out. Danny: Monty: I don't want to hear it. Trade: Phenodihydrochloride benzorex. Hey, show no fear! Especially that. It's trying to get itself in with you. St Peter preached the epistles to the apostles looking like that. These are the sort of windows faces look in at! That means we'll miss out Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning. Withnail: Scrubbers! I often wonder where Norman is now. Listen, I know what you're thinking but I had no alternative. Withnail: [reading from the paper] "In a world exclusive interview, 33-year-old shotputter Geoff Woade, who weighs 317 pounds, admitted taking massive doses of anabolic steroids, drugs banned in sport. Will it? Marwood: You love him. I sense there is world play but I just don't get it. You undo your valve and give them a dose of unadulterated child's piss and they have to give you your keys back. Danny: Marwood: Suits me. I have a heart condition, if you hit me it's murder. Withnail: Withnail: The murder and All-Bran and rape. An expert on bulls you are not! I'm starving. We're in this cottage here. let him get his drugs out! Haven't seen Gielgud down the labour exchange! I feel like a pig shat in my head. Marwood: No you can't, listen to me, listen to me! Marwood: How like an angel in apprehension! Withnail: [stands barefoot, about to leave Withnail and Marwood's flat] I brought two of these in case either of you is any good in the kitchen. Marwood: We were wondering if we could possibly purchase a pheasant off of you. If you have any question or suggestion then just comment below or contact us. I say, you know what we should do? [after a phone call with his agent] [holding up a pill] Just run at it! Why have you drugged their onions?! Old suit? Why can't I have an audition? If I hadn't told him you were active we'd never have got the cottage. I think an evening at The Crow. Richard E. Grant Is Making Self-Isolation Fun With Classic 'Withnail