(Check other placements). This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesnt really enjoy it. You all love to break rules, but you all will kill somebody if your own boundaries are closed. Theyre very adaptable. They tend to have a mixed reputation. Theyre also subconsciously able to tell if someone doesnt have their best interest. Its said the sign of your 11th is how your friend sees you / how you take care of your friends. Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved (Divine Hillary / Hills), Asteroid lie (26955) in natal chart can indicate what kind of stuff youre most likely to lie about. We dont know if your 10th house having Jupiter in it will make you famous, perhaps itll bring you a career to give you more inner knowledge. Of course each planet manifests differently in everyones life. This is because their sister sign is Aquarius. (h22) If the Priapus asteroid touches your lillith it can indicate youre very alluring and a lot of people may fantasize about you but there is something tabbo about you that could throw them off a lot. moon and venus won't be counted, although black moon lilith will; the city is not exact her birth one - astro isn't showing it somehow, the closest birth place is anyang with 1 minute difference 3. (May have discovered Astrology in early education). Their family could see them as more detached & intelligent. Planets in the 10th house in the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, and especially Leo are more prone to fame than others. People with Mercury in 6th for example may like to write / communicate their thoughts. Air moons in 4th tend to have lived / live in an environment when emotions are rationalized a lot. Women with Lilith in fire signs may attract people (especially feminine figures / women) who try to tone their spontaneous side. Sagittarius placements just wants someone that gets them if that makes sense. Pisces venuses are scarier than scorpio venuses. Jupiter in Pisces give of old soul vibes, theyre wise, theyre meant to teach their knowledge. People with Mars in 6th, when sick could be very aggressive. They need constant breaks for the mind since they can get stressed quite easily. Pluto in 9th may like to visit darker areas. Earth placements over the 4th house, couldve grown up in a more nature like environment. (Most likely cheating). Moon square uranus individuals tend to have an attitude towards their mothers. 8th house influence - having a 1st or 11th house ruler or Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected fame. (observation). Let me know if you have any of these! Spirit in Taurus: Ruled by Venus, your spirit is loving, stubborn,pleasurable. They love protection but project jealousy on them and theyll run away. Easily liked by everyone. Jupiter in Sagittarius & Pisces individuals and generally Pisces and Sagittarius placement individuals have a luckier time manifesting. Underdeveloped Cancer Venuses or Venus in 4th may run to their ex often or old friends that perhaps werent good to them because they were once home to them. They make their heart their own and tends to defend them very easily on whatever they do. Gemini placements love too read, but may sometimes read things too fast and misunderstand them. You are brought here to learn to see things from a different perspective as well. While Mercury in direct is better to gather thoughts, I have found Mercury in Retrograde individuals are incredibly intelligent and have a bunch of innovative ideas?? - mars-pluto aspects are smexy. Virgo mercuries are one of my absolute favorites. Indicators of Fame in Astrology ayat-the-aquarius: "leoasf: " aistrology: "Venus in harmonious aspect to MC Venus in 2nd or 11th Sun in 10th or 11th Leo Moon Abundance of planets in 11th, 10th. Your placements can tell you the way you manifest especially Jupiter. An opportunity to see our imperfections. An Angular moon is a big help so Moon in the 1st,4th (surprisingly),7th (possibly),and 10th (especially) could make it easier to get there. Just hit them up whenever, theyre like a best friend to everyone. 12th house placements constantly feel out this world and that they dont belong, theyre very unique and precious individuals and have a lot of unique talents they discover on in life. ), Having this asteroid in the water houses can indicate you are seductive with emotions and you can manipulative and do the worse once theyre on your hook. Gemini placements may like getting their nails done or at least want their nails perfect / cut perfectly. Leo placements throughout their life may attract people who wanna make them seem smaller they know their potential and their worth and want to dim it down for their own benefit. 1st house stellium people tend to go to crisis regarding to who they really are and they tend to camouflage in situations. They protect you from toxic feminine figures. Having Pisces degrees would draw you into more mature unconventional subjects like Astrology. : Personal planets, rising, or MC in Cancer degree 28 28 is a household name degree. Their intuition is always right about things & people. Pisces is wise and it rules this house, native can have natural talent in astrology that is easy-going, could awake something in them. They couldve been a father / big masculine role in past lives. A lot tend to be little nerds and have a lot of interesting interests. blackpink girls' fame indicators. if you're into degree theory, 5 = short term fame, 17 and 29 = long term fame. (Opposition, Square) People with these aspects to Venus-Lilith can be used from others in terms of getting them into relationship just to exploit them. Someone with Moon in water and Air venus can have the love language of words of affirmation. Sun in 12th / 12th house Stelliums / prominence- Has a thing for what is not out there on the public eye, loves to scratch beneath the surface. MC and Moon conjunct, and Venus and Ascendant conjunct are both excellent indicators in a natal birthchart for fame and success. Will fight for security that may have been stolen from them. Aquarius placements have this praise energy. Astrology could be a soft spot for these individuals. This isnt to say other mars placements dont have this ability! May have private accounts or include very little info about them on media. Because of this they hate when people try to interrupt their peace asking so many questions this may seem normal however I have seen a lot of times Capricorn placements do not like being asked questions they see as no sense they dont like small talk, get to the point with them they can see through it! One worse manifestation can be= Nudes leaked all over the internet or personal info they confided in someone leaked), personal advice would be to be careful and remember youre not doomed because of a placement. Your spirit embodies the maiden. So many people with these placements stay in toxic situations and try tomake it right no, LEAVE. People with heavy Saturn on their chart get two sides of the coins. Cancer mars are hard workers just like Capricorn mars, but they tend to get emotionally tired and drained from environments / situations easily and Capricorn mars usually have the ability to keep on pushing themselves. Of course there would have to be supporting aspects for harsh pluto aspects in synastry to calm down (trine, sextile). Having a planet tightly conjunct MC could signify success and fame. aspects astrology aspect astro aspect aspects astro aspects astro advice astrology advice astrology facts astro facts facts fame indicators fame astrology celebrity astrology stellium . Sagittarius placements hold their beliefs up high. What do you think? Libra/Leo on the 10th or 11th house cusp - these signs make someone popular with people because of their charm. While sextiling or trining would have an easier flow & natural. People with 3rd house stellium may have at least at one point in their life struggle with communication. You can miss so much by simply going by what you read online. Mercury in Gemini (3rd house) / Mercury in Aquarius (11th house)- Both are great at communication and you would need developed communication skills to excell in Astrology. Kids may be drawn to Cancer placements & some Cancer placements may have had to babysit at one point. I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. They may have a hard time controlling their laughter in and have a contagious smile. (Theory). Ironically, these people are very good at work and details. They know the best accessories, etc. Both love that ride or die shit. Scorpio mercuries have really vivid memories. They achieve success not just through their mesmerizing beauty, but through their passion for their creative projects that they put out into the world. Im convinced hugging a Taurus placement is everything youll ever need. Because these are the fall & detriment of the Sun and the Sun represents our higher self & ego. The best philosophy for astrology is one of experiential application. Also, not all celebrities have these, but I am putting the most common and known indicators of fame! Sagittarius placements can be very social & fun.. sure but they may disappear out of nowhere & change plans because a Sagittarius placement is always moving & so is their moods. Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. Each has a different type of fame; Scorpio is more expressive, Aquarius is humanitarian, and Leo is just straight up famous (sometimes for almost no reason). People tend to over dramatice Leo venuses but all they really need is a loyal lion by their side, who will occasionally put up with their tantrum. Moon in 4th= Nostalgic aura, maybe an area around the house is filled with memories and nostalgic pictures perhaps there mother. 8. marriednight 3 yr. ago. Kylie Jenner has her Jupiter conjunct 2nd house cusp by less than 1 degree, so that also applies. Because of this youll see people with an, This asteroid is great for ultimate soulmate connections & your best soulmate. People with Jupiter in 3rd from what Ive noticed, tend to have a LOT of siblings. Spirit in Capricorn: With the ruler being in Saturn having spirit in Capricorn can mean that you are brought down to this earth to balance out karma especially. (Check whole chart), Virgo placements love the little things in life and when something little becomes somewhat chaotic is why theyre prone to breakdowns or seen as perfectionist. We are all one, part of divine source, and we each have the opportunity to see this reflection in eachother, twin soul or not. Mercury in Sagittarius whole communication style is spreading what they already know. Having a strong 11th house talks about being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have this stellium. This is also a great indicator of creativity within the career. If you have moon in the water houses (4,8,12) PLEASEEE listen to your intuition, yall psychic. Libra placements tend to have really appealing waist/ stomach. Being the mediator a well developed and integrated mercury is incredibly fortunate. A teacher of some kind. Pisces placements may start to believe they are those rumors themselves. Uranus in 10th individuals may get sudden but short fame. Spirit in Libra: Ruled by Venus, your spirit radiates balance and romantic energy. They dont give up when it comes to knowledge. Jupiter uranus gives an interest to gain knowledge in eccentric interests. Lilith in 10th individuals (Choose whatever Lilith) tend to have people trying to tame them down or control them in career life and perhaps spread rumors. (Nothing to panic about) For example Venus in 18 degrees may attract lovers who arent in their best state. How youre potentially going to share who you are and how you do things. - Libra Venus/Rising are more likely to get lip injections. They guide you with transformation in your life. They tend to beunique and often look different than others. Libra/Leo on the 10th or 11th house cusp - these signs make someone popular with people because of their charm. Cleopatra Fame indicators in astrology Cleopatra Fame indicators in astrology -Sun/north node/stellium in 1st house/5th house/7th house/8th house/10th/11th house/ in leo/cancer/aries/ pisces -Sun/venus/neptune/jupiter conjunct north node -Venus/jupiter/neptune conjuct sun or moon -Neptune/pluto/venus in 1st house or conjuct ascendant (for acting) Gemini placements tend to do things quite fast like eating fast. Uranus in 1st / Aquarius risings individuals change a lot when it comes to how they express themselves, they may change their aesthetics a lot for example. (Totally random, but they rule the hands. Air placements either tend to be bullied or have been the bullies. Ive also noticed Leo venuses have a lot of love languages, theyre so generous! 11th house stellium - 11th house is the house of fame, internet and social groups. Or vice versa. (Trine, Sextile, Conjuct) Moon- Venus individuals love beautiful women and they love uplifting women constantly. Maybe laterSign me up Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. Messages could also come from the mother/ any mother rule in your life. Whatever sign is your Midheaven represents what body part you could be known for. (Overall Air moons / risings). This is because only some people can handle Aries energy!. Gemini placements astrology creators may like to post astrology observations more than anything because it lets them express their thoughts without a responsibility of keeping order & track of what they are writing. - good sun-moon aspects usually indicate strong, long lasting relationships, - good moon-mercury aspects indicate almost an effortless understanding and communication, lots of empathy, (disclaimer: i just wrote these in my notebook & there might be some not in my own words, bc i googled to find out more about a lot of them; this is therefore simply a collection of aspects). They are very protective of you and their messages come from within your truest emotions. Gemini placements are the type to remember the most random things from very long time ago and are the type to have catchphrases they never stop using or meme references. If there were other indicators of an Astrologer in the chart, this can make someone have never-ending admiration for Astrology & can develop creative ways of researching it / creative discoveries. They are intense towards you and extremely loyal & never leave your side. I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. Look to see how your mind shifts and handles work. You are brought down here to release anxious energy and to learn how to become more balanced and to make decisions better. Water placements over the 4th house could have at one point lived near the water or water was significant. People with this placement are more likely to deal with jealous people some that are jealous of their success and reputation. Leo placements look amazing when they take pictures outside especially when the Sun is shining on them, I dont have to explain much, theyre ruled by the Sun. Master-mind energy. Mars in 3rd individuals could have a very competitive mind and may like having advantages. People who have Lilith conjuct a lot of personal planets may actually look like her. Leo placements like when things have their own sparkle too it, hence a lot of people tend to copy people with Leo placements or degrees. Virgo risings / Virgo in 1st have the habit of being too critical of their appearance they are making & especially their physical appearance. Astrology Notes: Indicators of Fame and Success MC and Moon conjunct, and Venus and Ascendant conjunct are both excellent indicators in a natal birthchart for fame and success. the stronger aspects are the hard ones, hence having neptune conjunct, square or opposite the ruler of the midheaven is a major sign of fame and arts in a career. In a positive note, they are someone people follow because of their independence. Air placements can be the biggest internet trolls in my opinion, they can sometimes (Especially Gemini & Aquarius) argue for no reason online because they get some joy for teasing people. Moon- Jupiter may like to desperately try to find a good reason for why theyre feeling a certain way or if there would be areward in the end. Sun in the 10th/11th house-sun is naturally the house of vibrance, so these placements could make you popular, well liked, well known, or even famous. - Virgo and Aquarius Mercury can have an obsession with having some mundane things in their life rigorously arranged in even or uneven numbers, becoming a constant focus of anxiety for them. (Aquarius dominants / Uranus in 1st / (Perhaps dominants) individuals tend to have had something about them that was usually noticeable and touched on from people. Ive noticed a lot of Water risings like the color light blue. Scorpio Risings / Pluto in 1st: When they find something interesting, they tend to dedicate an immerse amount of passion (maybe even obsession) towards it. Mercury is also the scammer, con artist and trickster. ( Especially if that person has it as their Venus) But again look at the whole chart. Whatever planet is in your 1st, you will attract or / and people confuse you of. Planet being on top of 11th house cusp - Im not sure if thats the right way to call it, but basically a planet that is in 11th house and within 1 degree from the cusp. Would devote a lot of attention towards it. There are many different aspects in the birth chart, that can indicate fame. (Theory). im sorryy. so if I'm blessed for educational pursuits(Jupiterin Sag in the 1st house) tell me why I dropped out of college?? They tend to like making healthier habits for their friends. - Virgos sun/rising ppl make their friends and relatives especially jealous of their friendship or connections with other people. Mercury aspecting Lilith would make someone naturally attracted to the darker side of things and have a detective mind. Having a strong 11th house talks about being well-known and popular, so many celebrities have this stellium. (Check other placements), Leo placements (Especially Moon & Rising) may wake up with hair all over the place or somewhat messy. (Aries in 2nd). Air placements (Especially Venus) are very open to ideas in relationships which why as I stated before in another Astro Observation that they are prone to being in open relationships (Gemini & Aquarius the most or 3rd & 11th houses) or at least not dismiss the idea of it completely, but if you are not fun or dont entertain them the least everything else good about you will not matter to them.
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