Use the Little Psalter in interceding for souls held in bondage to evil, and use it for the healing of the sick in mind and body, for the radiance of My Eucharistic Face penetrates souls and bodies exposed to its light, bringing healing and repairing what has been damaged, disfigured, or tainted by evil and by the effects of sin. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered; and let those who hate Him flee before His Presence. In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce and cut off Witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry, and I renounce and cut off BAPHOMET, the Spirit of Antichrist and the spirits of Death, and Deception. Prayers-Against-Retaliation-from-the-Power-of-Evil.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. I renounce the blinding of spiritual truth, the darkness of the soul, the false imagination, condescension and the spirit of poverty caused by the ritual of this degree. The Church has complete authority over demons, given directly by Jesus. Pray the following prayer to break any curses that may have attached to you by possessing this object (if married, each spouse is to pray this prayer separately): In the name of the Lord Jesus+Christ, strengthened by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of St. Joseph, of Blessed Archangels Sts. Renounce your involvement in these things occultic, and/or your ownership of the items and take back the ground Satan stole as a result of your sin or in even the mere ownership of the object (if married, each spouse is to pray this prayer separately): Dear Heavenly Father, strengthened by the intercession of the Most Immaculate Mother of Our God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, of St. Joseph, of Blessed Archangels Sts. (3x). A "pogrom . Lord Jesus Christ, Incarnate Son of God the Father, Thou who has chosen to enter into human history by being carried in the womb of Thy Blessed Mother Mary, grant I beseech Thee, that any demons that may have been introduced into my generational line by any one of my ancestors may be blocked from passing to the subsequent generations. Prayer Against Retaliation April 26, 2022 Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy, pours Thy Precious Blood over N. So that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against him (her). Prayer Against Territorial Spirits And Satanic Agents PDF. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish; and as wax melts before the fire, so let the demons perish before the presence of those who love God and who sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross and say in gladness: Hail, most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, for You drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on You and who went down to Hell and trampled on the power of the devil, and gave us You, His venerable Cross, for driving away all enemies. We beg You to hear us. Think of the worst dictator, terrorist, or criminal demons are much worse than that! Visit those who are sick and grant them health and strength. We ask You this through the intercession of our most blessed, glorious Lady, Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God, of the most splendid archangels, and all your saints. Enlighten my heart with the purity of Your passionless Passion. Guide those at sea. I am aware of and reject whatever evil I have done and that I have caused all of society. Remove them, sending them directly to the foot of Thy Cross. (Jn. My Father, since it is Your wish that we should always turn to You, I come with condence to ask You, together with Jesus and Mary(here request the favor that you desire). Heal the divisions in our family; may those family members who are estranged from each other be reconciled in forgiveness and love. I ask God to heal any unforgiveness and an inner wounds and trauma. On the terrible Day of Judgment, deliver me from eternal punishment and make me an heir to Your Sons glory, through the grace and the love for mankind of Your Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. PRAYER POINTS 1. I ask that no demonic bondage, door,demonic entity, portal, astral projection or disembodied spirit may enter the space of 100 yards in all directions of him/her/us. Lord Jesus Christ, Incarnate Son of God the Father, Thou who has chosen to enter into human history by being carried in the womb of Thy Blessed Mother Mary, grant I beseech You, that any demons that may have been introduced into my generational line by any one of my ancestors may be blocked from passing to the subsequent generations. I renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, avarice or greed, and the pride which would have led my ancestors into Masonry. If any evil spirits have attached themselves to us or oppress us in any way, spirits of earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld or of nature, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit, we pray that these evil spirits would depart now and go straight to Jesus Christ, for Him to deal with as He wills. Help us, who are made in your image; send the Angel of Peace over us, to protect us body and soul. O divine Mother, send Thy holy angels to defend me and drive far away from me the cruel enemy. Let them be+banished from this the creation of Your hands in Your own holy name and that of Your only begotten Son and of Your life-creating Spirit, so that, after being cleansed from all demonic influence, he(she)may live holy, godly, justly and righteously and may be counted worthy to receive the Holy Mysteries of Your only-begotten Son and our God with Whom Your are+blessed and glorified together with the all holy and good and life-creating Spirit now and ever and unto the ages of ages. I renounce all the other oaths taken, the rituals of every other degree and the curses involved. (Sprinkle the room with holy water for blessing.). In the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I renounce and forsake the oaths taken and the curses involved in the Holy Royal Arch Degree, especially the oath regarding the removal of the head from the body and the exposing of the brains to the hot sun. [If a priest is present add the following:], Priest: In the Most Holy Name of Jesus, by the authority of my priesthood, I invoke the keys of St. Peter and I ratify your breaking of each and every financial, business, property curse and all curses coming against you and your family affecting your livelihood, your property, your finances or any goods or any works. St. Michael, surround him (her) (me) with thy shield, so that no evil spirit may take revenge on him (her) (me). 3) In the case of praying these prayers for others who are not under their direct authority, we recommend the faithful adjust the prayers so that they are directed to God, thus making it a deprecatory prayer. If the individual manifests to the extent that a demonic presence and voice comes forward, then that person should be referred to an exorcist. I renounce the pagan ritual of the "Point within a Circle" with all its bondages and phallus worship. +O Lord, rebuke the devil! (Thrice). There are differences between British Commonwealth Masonry and American & Prince Hall Masonry in the higher degrees. Where there is envy and malice, give us an abundance of goodness, endurance, victory, and chastity. Anoint us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and refresh our body, soul, and spirit, and may the sign of Your holy cross drive away all evil spirits from us. Have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us. In this session, we cover the fifth temptation that must be resistedthe temptation to retaliate and be defensive towards those who insult us or take advantage of us. Lord Jesus, thank You for sharing with us Your wonderful ministry of healing and deliverance. Establish around them a sanctuary of your mercy where Satan and any other evil spirit or human agency cannot interfere. I also renounce and forsake the oaths taken and the curses involved in the other York Rite Degrees, including Past Master, with the penalty of having my tongue split from tip to root; and of the Most Excellent Master Degree, in which the penalty is to have my breast torn open and my heart and vital organs removed and exposed to rot on the dung hill. Can be used anywhere the person may find himself staying for the night. St. Pius X on 8 July 1908. I renounce the ancient pagan teaching and symbolism of the Second Tracing Board. For their adult children, they are invoking God to heal and liberate them.]. Please have your angels strip these witches and all Satans minions of psychic powers, demonic and occult powers. Prayers Against Retaliation from The Power of Evil I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus Christ. I ask Thee to bind in Thy Blood all of their attributes, aspects, and characteristics, all of their interactions, communications, and deceitful games. You who are ministered to and praised by numberless heavenly orders and adored and glorified in fear by multitudes of angelic and archangelic hosts. Prayer Against Retaliation Lord Jesus Christ, in your love and mercy, pour Thy Precious Blood over N. so that no demon or disembodied spirit may retaliate against him (her). The most dangerous type of warfare is binding and loosing but this script is imperative for all sessions. Let all the world proclaim Your Fatherly Goodness and Your Divine Mercy! any retaliation, any transfer of spirits that is trying to come against me, my family . May he keep at bay and vanquish every evil power, every evil poison or malice invoked against us by corrupt and envious people. You who are honored by the encircling Powers, the awesome six-winged and many-eyed Cherubim and Seraphim that cover their faces with two wings because of Your inscrutable and unseen divinity and with two wings cover their feet, lest they be seared by Your unutterable glory and incomprehensible majesty, and with two wings do fly and fill the heavens with their shouts heaven and earth are full of Your glory! In the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, I renounce and break the curses involved in the idolatry, blasphemy, secrecy and deception of Freemasonry at every level, and I appropriate the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse all the consequences of these from my life. Lord, stretch out Your mighty hand and Your sublime and holy arm and in Your watchful care look down upon this Your creature and send down upon him(her)a+peaceful angel, a mighty angel, a guardian of soul and body, that will+rebuke and drive away every evil and unclean demon from him(her), for You alone are Lord, Most high, almighty and+blessed unto ages of ages. Goliath are chasing you 2. Sorrowing for this, but determined to repent, I stand guilty before You, my God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. We beseech Thee to show Thy great glory and power over them and Thy great generosity to me, Thine unworthy creature, by answering all that I have asked of Thee. You fled through the night to avoid the devil's wicked designs; now with the power of God, smite the demons as they flee from you! and by all my senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch; and all other sins, spiritual and bodily, through which I have angered You, My God and Creator, and caused injustice to my neighbours. Bless me (us) and my (our) family, O Lord. Bless me (us) and my (our) family, O Lord. All. Receive, O Blessed Virgin, this little offering of my servitude, in honor of and in union with, that subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to your maternity; in homage to the power which both of you have over this poor sinner, and in thanksgiving for the privileges with which the Holy Trinity has favored you. Amen. Then destroy the object so that it no longer resembles what it was. In these cases, they have the authority to use imprecatory prayers. Even if the leader or speaker does not bind backlash (although it is a good idea to teach them or remind them), you can always do it yourself for everyone present. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish; and as wax melts before the fire, so let the demons perish before the presence of those who love God and who sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross and say in gladness: Hail, most precious and life-giving Cross of the Lord, for You drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ who was crucified on You and who went down to Hell and trampled on the power of the devil, and gave us You, His venerable Cross, for driving away all enemies. In Jesus' time, masters could not lose face if they were to retain power. And you, Jesus, open Your Heart and place in it my own, and, together with Mary's, offer it to our Divine Father! Do not let their false and hurting words of them touch me. I believe that, in Your innite goodness, You make everything to the advantage of those who love You: even under the hands of those who strike me, I kiss Your hand which heals! O Jesus, Good Shepherd of Your sheep, deliver me not to the revolt of the serpent and leave me not to the will of Satan, for the seed of corruption is in me. Obtain for me the grace that I need! This is important. From Fr. I renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, avarice or greed, and the pride which would have led my ancestors into Masonry. (Thrice) Amen. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here:Cookie Policy, NEW: Catholic Daily Reflections Series Two, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, National Liturgical Calendars of the World. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. They lead the people in prayer. Deacon. Grant special protection, we pray, for children, fathers, families and the dying. Dear Lord, thank you because you are the Lord of hosts and the Man of War. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against Thee, and others made in Thy image. Make him shudder, tremble, be afraid, depart, be utterly destroyed, be banished! Finally, at the end of all these prayers of renunciation and faith, the Deacon ends it by praying: Heavenly Father, N. renounces the Evil One and his demons and all their sinful works and empty promises. Divine Father, innite goodness poured out on all peoples, may You be known, honored, and loved by all men! Guidelines for Deliverance Prayers for the Laity. I renounce the effects these or other objects of Masonry, including the compass and the square, have had on me or my family, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (LogOut/ For You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and to You we render glory,+Father, Son and Holy Spirit. and this life was the light of the human race. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all my sins which I have committed all the days of my life, at every hour, in the present and in the past, day and night, in thought word and deed: by gluttony, drunkenness, secret eating, lust, idle talking, despondency, indolence, contradiction, neglect, aggressiveness, self-love, hoarding, stealing, lying, dishonesty, curiosity, jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, and remembering wrongs, hatred, vindictiveness, (playing with occult powers); (you can mention your other sins that you wish to articulate before God). I wish every rpayer room had this posted so that it would be a reminder for everyone at the door before they leave. O Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all my sins today. Only help me, my Lord and God, I humbly pray to You with tears. He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. All you saints of heaven, impede any retaliating spirit from influencing him (her). I renounce the deity of AHURA-MAZDA, the claimed spirit or source of all light, and the worship with fire, which is an abomination to God, and also the drinking from a human skull in many rites. and anything else that pertains to the oppression. INTRODUCTION A. The afflicted persons may also be asked to confess the Faith and to profess that they commit themselves to God and to Jesus, such as reciting the Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. I renounce the Sign of Reverence to the Generative Principle. Christ, strengthened by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of St. Joseph, of Blessed Archangels Sts. If any evil spirit has been introduced into my generational line as a result of a curse or malefice done by someone outside my family, I ask thee to give me the grace to forgive them wholeheartedly and I ask Thee, Jesus to break the curse or malefice, if it is still in place. Thank you, God the Father, for Your mercy, Your forgiveness and Your love, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, God the Father, for Thy mercy, Thy forgiveness and Thy love, in the name of Jesus Christ. +Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, 6 September 2018. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I especially ask for the following specific grace for my family, if it be your holy will (here mention the specific intention silently or out loud). Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that the cleansing power of the precious blood of Your Son come upon us right now. You are bound and the seals are broken in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ, in thy love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around N. and myself and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones. God the Father increase my trust in Thy Sons Mother; Our Lady of Fair Love, give me perfect confidence in the providence of Thy Son. I ask you to bring these people before your throne and bless them with the revelation of who you are and your love and plans of salvation for them. At a loss for any defense we sinners offer this prayer to You, the Master: have mercy on us. We beg You to hear us. *** I renounce the oaths taken and the curses and penalties involved in the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. All. He was not the light, but came to testify to the light. St. I renounce the secret words TUBAL CAIN and MAHA BONE and all that they mean. I make this parents prayer in the holy name of Jesus begging the powerful intercession of the Holy Family with the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, and all the saints. I cut off all these curses and their effects on me and my family in the name of Jesus Christ and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I pray for (healing of the brain, the mind etc.). IMPRIMA TUR In the name of the+Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I bind and completely and utterly reject, with the full force of my will any sin or spiritual defect of mine as well as any temptation, allurements or power that any generational spirit may have over me as a result of my sin or the sin of any other person. I renounce the serpent clasp on the apron, and the spirit of PYTHON which it brought to squeeze the spiritual life out of me. Prayer of Saint Makarios the Great to the Eternal Father. You who destroyed the curse by the blow on Your face and by the lance in Your immaculate side lifted the flaming sword that guarded Paradise. O Lord remember all those who are captive, and deliver them from every misfortune. Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to protect my family from sickness, from all harm and from accidents. I believe that, in Your innite power,You can bring good even out of evil. You are the salvation of those who turn to You. Entreat the Lord of peace to cast Satan down under our feet, so as to keep him from further holding mankind captive and doing harm to the Church. Amen. In this present life, be with me as an intercessor, as a powerful help to turn away the assaults of my enemies, and to guide me to salvation. So that ever faithful to you, your servant may be counted among the blessed in the kingdom, where you live and reign with the+Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. To not bind backlash is to leave doors wide open for satan to attack. Queen of Heaven and St. Michael, send down the legions of angels under your command to fight off any spirits that would seek to harm him (her) (me). Lord Jesus Christ, in thy love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around N. and myself and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones. I renounce all agreements that I have made with Satan . In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of His Cross, His Blood and His resurrection, I bind you satan, the spirits, powers and forces of darkness, the nether world, and the evil forces of nature. (Adapted from Fr Chadd Ripperger, Deliverance Prayers: For Use By The Laity, p. 39), IV. I bind all demonic interactions, interplay and communications between spirits sent against me, and send them directly to Jesus Christ for Him to deal with as He wills. I renounce the pride of proven character and good standing required prior to joining Freemasonry, and the resulting self-righteousness of being good enough to stand before God without the need of a savior. in all of these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37). Keep my thoughts in Your humility and rouse me in good time to glorify You, for You are supremely glorified, with Your Eternal Father. Demons feed off unforgiveness. Come to the rescue of mankind, whom God has made in His own image and likeness, and purchased from Satans tyranny at so great a price. Thanks pastor. Holy Church venerates you as her patron and guardian. In Jesus name, I cast out all evil spirits that are harming us. People: I invoke my natural law rights over my own property and finances. +O Lord, rebuke the devil! We beseech You to make powerless, banish, and drive out every diabolic power, presence, and machination; every evil influence, spell, or evil eye and all evil actions aimed against Your servants. Please have all their powers and devices destroyed and cast into the abyss. I bind this wall that is around Ns heart in the Blood of Jesus and I break it in the Name of the Father and of the Son+and of the Holy Spirit. These include the Allied Degrees, The Red Cross of Constantine, the Order of the Secret Monitor, and the Masonic Royal Order of Scotland. In place of the Hail Marys (on the small beads):Jesus, have mercy on N.! That You humble the enemies of holy Church. I forgive him/her/them from the bottom of my heart and I ask God to bless him/her/them. Rise not in anger against us, remember not our transgressions, but in the depth of Your mercy look upon us even now and save us from our enemies; for You are our God and we are Your people, we are all the work of Your hands and we constantly call upon Your name. 1. I renounce the claim that the death of Jesus Christ was a "dire calamity," and also the deliberate mockery and twisting of the Christian doctrine of the Atonement. All. Dear Lord Jesus, would you please send a special assignment of defending angelic powers to remove all trafficking witches from me. Amen. Be a tender Father to me and protect me wherever I am, like the apple of Your eye. I renounce the three infamous assassins of their grand master, law, property and religion, and the greed and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate and control the rest of mankind. For their own pastoral protection, we recommend that faithful not use imprecatory prayers, ie., directly commanding demons to leave, over others whom they do not have authority. Pray for me, sinful and unworthy servant (handmaid), that you may present me worthy of the kindness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and of all the Saints. Remove them, sending them directly to the foot of Thy Cross. If burying the object is possible, dig a hole in the ground and place the remains of the object in the hole. O admirable Mother, present me to your dear Son as His eternal servant, so that as He has redeemed me by you, by you He may receive me! They should use deprecatory prayers and invoke God (Jesus, BVM, etc) and ask Him to cast them out. May the Holy Angels guard him/her/us and all our possessions, establishing a perimeter of protection around. Glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, who stands always ready to give assistance to the people of God; who fought with the dragon, the old serpent, and cast him out of heaven, and now valiantly defends the Church of God that the gates of . I beg Thee, in Thy Mercy, to reclaim those which I may have ceded control over to the demons. Praying after a victorious event is usually the time we need to pray the most. Help them to understand Your ways and bless them. I renounce the secret word, BOAZ, and all it means. [Note: Spouses have divine authority over their own bodies, their spouses and their children who are minors. Christ with him/her. Mary, surround him (her) (me) with thy mantle, blocking any retaliating spirits from having any authority over him (her) (me). I to the virtue of Christ's birth with His baptism, to the virtue of His crucifixion with His burial, to the virtue of His resurrection with His ascension, to the virtue of His coming to the Judgment of Doom. You, Lord, who raised Lazarus the four-days dead from the dead, undecayed, as if not having died, and unblemished to the astonishment of many. Demonic retaliation is simply the enemy waging a war against you in response to a war that you have waged again him. God, Our Lord, King of Ages, All powerful and Almighty, You Who made everything and who transformed everything simply by Your Will. Lifting Curses and Rejecting Evil Spirits (Prayed by the Afflicted Person and Witnessed by the Deacon). I ask Jesus, the Son of the living God, to pour His shed Blood over every aspect of my life for my protection. I reclaim that ground and my life for Christ. I receive God's unction and power upon my tongue, in the name of Jesus. Then tie or place a blessed St. Benedict medal on top of the remains if not already done in step 4. Sign in Teach me to surrender myself to You like a baby in its mothers arms. Prayer is not only needed to bring God's plan into your life but to maintain it because you have an enemy that fights God's plan for your life. I also ask our Lord to free those former partners from any evil caused by these relationships. I to a strong virtue, an invocation of the Trinity. Master pardon our transgressions. O Ruler of All, Word of the Father, Jesus Christ, You who are perfect, never in Your great mercy leave me, but ever abide in me, Your servant (handmaid). God, our Lord, king of ages, all-powerful and almighty, You who made everything and who transforms everything simply by Your will; You who in Babylon changed into dew the seven-times-hotter furnace and protected and saved three holy children; You are the doctor and physician of our souls. We make this great, divine, holy and awesome invocation and plea to You, O Lord for the devils expulsion, and that You rebuke him for his utter annihilation, that apostate! And Lord Jesus, please send your holy angels to minister to us and our families and to guard and protect us from all sickness, harm, and accidents and guard us on a safe trip home, and grant us a peaceful nights rest. We do not give them power, but we must be wise and know how they operate. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Amen. PRAYER AGAINST RETALIATION OF EVIL SPIRITS FOR PROTECTION. 4) In accordance with natural law, the laity have authority over their own selves, their spouses and their children. +O Lord, rebuke the Devil! Through the love you have for your Son Jesus who has entrusted me to your maternal care. Another Form :I bind in the Blood of Jesus all of your hooks, lines and tentacles, your roots, attachments and attenuations and I command you in the Name of Jesus to remove them now completely and entirely: In the Name of Jesus, remove them now. The enemy will tell that person that you're free. (Syquia,Handbook of Deliverance Prayers, 204), *All prayers from Syquia used with permission, In the Holy Name of Jesus, through the authority of the natural law and my baptism, through the merits of the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Jesus and His sending of the Holy Spirit, I decommission this tattoo and break and sever each and every connection between this tattoo and the Evil One and his associates. I. Prayers to God the Son The Jesus Psalter. I take to myself the whole armor of God in accordance with Ephesians, chapter six, and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me and fills me with His Holy Spirit. It's Chapter 3 in the Ritual Romanum of Title 12.
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