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Clint's nightmares come back, although they never really left, it was just a lot easier to forget about them with a warm body close by. Peter put down his hand and gave his best friend a betrayed look. Clint wonders, in the privacy of his own mind, if Tony actually did choose this game for team bonding and not just to determine the virginity of Captain America. Here's nice. All the hero worship around Captain America, someone was bound to try to tap that whether you showed interest or not.. You're no fun, Cap. Awwww, so cute, Tony coos. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. FRIDAY said. #tomhollandspeterparker. It wasn't said outright, but the psycho-babble hinted pretty openly that most of Tony's reasons for being an attention whore was because of his deep-seated, emotional need for approval and belonging. I'm no longer writing these, I do not take requests, and it's rare I even log into this account. We're starting. You know what really sucked though? You felt someone grab your hand gently. Ben Gross was used to being people's second choice. So he smiles, too, and doesn't say anything. Sally and Seymour had claimed the bed, and were laughing about the ugly hotel colors, and how to pronounce 'croissant'. We are, aren't we?. Cindy stupidly pointed out that he had 'Muscles! Guardians: What if Harry Potter had a big sister? MJ, however, ringed the bell too, reminding everyone that she was a referee, and nodded at Peter. I don't have a lot of previous experience, Stark, but no. On really slow nights, when they're bored. Yes, Tony says with a put-upon sigh. He's honest-to-god pulled out a huge array of soft, big, fluffy pillows so they can all settle there. So we going for it, then? Clint asks, feeling way too hopeful. Clint and Tony (and the team) get drunk, fall into bed together, fall out of it, and fall back in again. I don't know, I've hung out with Nat too much.". Move along, Rhodey continued to scowl, glaring murderously at Tony. Team Red aka Deadpool, Daredevil and Spider-man Or out of the bedroom. Natasha's mouth quirks upwards in what, on a lesser person's face, would constitute as a fond smile. Never have I ever gotten drunk before 11am.". When they want to. Which I'm gonna lie in, whether you're in it or not.. Of course we do, Clint says and grins. Natasha sets down her mug and walks out of the room without a word. We're best buds. He knows Natasha's bristling at 'buds', but he's just tipsy enough to get away with it for now. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: completed Abe ringed the bell. A strong, almost sickly sweet wooden aroma fills the air, and Thor takes a deep whiff before sighing with contentment. There are still strings. They were ready to get WASTED, with Vision on hand to make sure no one got alcohol poisoning. Tony's face is still flushed, his chest pink with exertion against the Tesseract-blue of his arc reactor. "What! (he was the youngest, and fortunately for him, only had one drink). "Well, I was trying to make it so Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky could get drunk or like it and I needed to test it out on someone with a super metabolism so I used myself. He manages to wrangle Tony out of his clothes without much interruption, only a quiet Make-up sex? that Clint doesn't even bother to address. He's got a big metal mug in hand (he still occasionally forgets the no-smash rule when he wants a refill of something, and it's just easier for them to give him metal mugs for now), and he sits down in an almost perfect lotus position. An angry voice cried out. Then there's cold slipping into the warmth, cool air across his body, and Clint whines low until there's a warm something almost touching him and the mattress has dipped with the added weight. All stories posted remain the property of their respective authors; You're a whiner, Tony mutters and shifts; squirms to get comfortable. Because this is still a terrible idea, okay? She also knows that Clint maybe, possibly, might have this thing where if he doesn't get cuddled he'll feel rejected and go from happy drunk to wistful drunk. We should get on that, then. Ninja strings.. Peter said slowly, avoiding everyone's eyes and looking down at his empty shot glass instead. You are not doing that when Clint is this drunk.. Enjoy! You go ahead, Tony, Steve says, and somehow manages not to sound condescending. "Everyone has a hand, so five fingers, and after those, you have to take a shot for every time you have ever done the mentioned thing. Man, Clint loves it when the Captain goes all 'shouldn't approve of this but I do' on them. Damn, I was so sure, Tony says and taps his finger against his chin. 'solutely., Her mouth curls. Story time., It's not a big deal, Clint says, overly casual, and does a one-shouldered shrug. Tony, stop being judgemental. Evelyn Warner was a nurse during World War 2 working side-by-side with Captain America and Peggy Carter. or The world might know the Avengers as heroes but what's reall. "When did it happen?". But it'd be nice if you didn't prove my abandonment and trust issues wrong but high-tailing out of here. As soon as Tony's underneath the covers, he's out cold, and Clint's left to undress himself in peace. MJ walked in wearing a fancy dress. Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. Natasha doesn't say anything when Clint tumbles out of Tony's room and into the kitchen late-morning, but she does hand him a coffee mug and fix him with a stare that says I judge you very hard right now. It's fucking beautiful. But, one day, Nurse Warner went missing and was never found. Seriously Tony? a short fic wherein our favorite sherman oaks students play never have i ever. Betty and Ned were sitting close, hands almost touching on the floor, their bodies leaning a bit towards one another. "I was impersonating Bucket Head over there," I say pointing to Nova and he turns red. He's too tired and strung out for anything acrobatic, but he still finds his way to Tony's room. Danny, Luke, Ava, Nova, Aunt Nat, Mom, Dad, Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Sam, Uncle Rohdey, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Loki, Wanda, Vision, Scott, T'challa, Shuri, and Aunt May. Dad questions and I can see him starting to turn red. That's pretty much it. He thinks for a moment. Thor Odinson How will she react? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter put his sleeve down again. "I may or may not have a boyfriend." Betty ringed the bell. God, shut up, Clint grits out and grabs the remote so he can turn up the sound and drown out Tony's babble. I just I guess it comes down to the person, and not their equipment? The last part sounds like a question, one of his 'is this something that makes sense in this century' ones. Oh, sh- Tony! Immediately he releases the genius, who groans in pain and rolls his shoulder. Everyone was either leaning back into their chair or into the people next to them. Oh yeaaah. No, I'm- Steve breaks off, brows furrowing. AU of the avengers where they are all in highschool in present time and it will probably not go anywhere but enjoy anyway lol. He's also not going to reflect on where Tony has learned about shipping. Thor looks thoroughly charmed. And Peter, whose clothes did you steal? Bucky asked. The Avengers Wait, Clint says. Lindsay doesn't win. 's good, Clint slurs into his best friend's shirt. I was way too early to be awake on a lazy Sunday. Tony placed his drink on the side, Natasha automatically leaning over to fill it. I don't care what you want this to be, Stark I just like knowing what I'm getting into. He doesn't mean it as an accusation, and he's glad when it doesn't sound like one. As Clint understands, the game's usually a ploy to get laid anyway, which makes him wonder why Tony wants to play it so badly. He starts making Tony coffee in the mornings, when he's up earlier; Tony will shuffle in, usually a couple of minutes later, and inhale the caffeinated drink faster than can be any kind of healthy. It was, Steve says softly. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, "Never have I ever," Tony says with a wolfish grin, "battled motherfucking aliens.". Never have I ever repurposed a common household item into a sex toy, then needed medical assistance because I had a foreign object stuck inside me, Tony cried. And Nat calls Clint the happy drunk, hah. Why MJ chose him to 'be in charge', he didn't know. Self explanatory but he is a Stark in all of them wether biological or adopted thought most of the time it will be adopted. 's r'lly good, 'Tasha.. Clint chokes on his whiskey when he laughs. One thing was clear. "Everyone grab a drink and sit down, it's time for never have I ever!" Includes: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Thor, T'challa, Scott Lang, Rhodey, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange a Abby Romanoff is a normal girl, well as normal as any kid would be if their parent was Black Widow. AU: Devi and Paxton never broke up, and Devi and Des are just friends. And how you've managed to get him onto your side in nearly every single dispute since., Tony tries to look hurt, although he's doing a shit job at it, one hand dramatically resting against his chest in a who, me? Given the fact that they were all heroes and grown-up's or teens, the questions were going to be odd but I never thought it would be this odd. That's too easy. And why is it that the only boy she can talk to is her ex? "no matter what everyone else thinks, you're still a loser" a quote by MJ, (this is a chapter) Gender Fluid Loki and a A/N, "I Have A Son" (dc and marvel crossover)(preview), wASSUP FRICKERS(quick question also,memes), PRIDE MONTH, SOLVES ALL YO PROBLEMS BABY(but without my sadness), the final addition to the "if tony was peters bio dad" gif set(endgame spoilers). It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Thanks, he says again. Fart, he gasps out as Clint half-drags him through the living room area and into the bedroom. He mumbles something into Clint's skin that sounds like evil assassin douchebag agent man and Clint only laughs more. Nat smirked. It sounds like a genuine question. Will Peter and Maya get a happy ending? Paxton Hall- Youshia wasn't used to being confused by girls. You bribed him, didn't you? She sounds disappointed, as if she'd hoped for something less obvious. I don't know, Tony whines and flops off Clint onto the sheets beside him. Clint chuckles, and Tony leans down to kiss him breathless before he can answer. Wanda and Vision had left to their apartment, the other honorary members being in their own homes (or, in T'Challa and Shuri's case, country). But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. Does that mean you're single, Barton?. This is the great thing about Never Have I Ever. Nice. Did we have make-up sex?. Never have I evergone commando, Natasha disclosed. Go team go. Tony makes a small, disgruntled noise and rubs his face, except he miscalculates the motion and it turns into more of a slap that swipes across his cheek and into his ear. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. Nat and Wanda took drinks. What if she got kidnapped, a few months before Harry was born and the Potters got attacked on the faithful Halloween night? Tony's eyes go fond. or even 'I don't want to play, I will just watch' but Ned had looked at him with puppy eyes to rival his own and he had just sighed and wished all questions would be stupid and he didn't have to reveal some weird shit here. It's early enough in the morning that he can do that without a retaliatory punch. We didnt have much of a choice, was all Steve said. Danny yells taking a drink and everyone grabs a drink. developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. Sent on a mission by Ronin with her sister, and her life changes from there. "Never have I ever worn a planting pot on my head," Mom says and I take a drink and see no else do so. Steve's gone red again. When he does, Tony sleeps beside him. Never have I ever, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Disclaimer: the MCU and its characters are not mine. What starts out a little desperate turns languid, relaxed, comfortable. Tony just shrugs with a tilted smile. yes let's do THAT" respectively. That is until she meets Peter Parker. Scott questions and I smirk. Y/n grew up as most children do. Yeah, well, I didn't listen back then either, did I? Clint points out. They don't say good night. What if they asked about being robbed? It was obviously not a good idea to play 'never have I ever' with his slightly drunk AcaDec team, but Ned had insisted he should join, especially cause; you were recently stabbed, man, you can't even go out even if you wanted to!' Okay, so I reacted kind of not-awesomely, but I mean, it came out of the blue and I've only been thinking about it for six days and it's not like we ever-. Welp, I'm back from the second week of the holiday-thingy. Oooh, yes, I like this! Tony says before drinking. Ship? But now he has a girlfriend who picked him and his parents are speaking to him somewhat regularly. Michelle answered for him. My homework was in the building " Matt explained. "I'm here for a second, then I'm gone. Are we dating? It's cheesy as hell, but it's been over two weeks since they last had sex without some kind of other mushy activity attached to it, and as much as they agreed about the no-strings arrangement, Clint can't help but realize that he's got quite a few strings attached to this crazy bastard by now. Peter said. But this year they decided on vodka never have I ever. "Never have I ever kissed a guy." Prompt made by: Me It was a Friday night and the Avengers had come back from their latest mission tired, and bored. "Never have I ever kissed a teammate," I say and everyone on the senior team takes a drink. All I have now is the next two weeks of community service and all that. G'niiiiight, guys. Clint wakes long before Tony, and has time to take a shower and eat breakfast before Tony staggers into his relatively modest living room. Clint rolls over onto his other side, so he faces away from Stark he doesn't like people staring at his face in his sleep. Tony brightens considerably at that. Yesh. But apparently, now is the moment to talk. "Tortured," Everyone but Shuri, Uncle Bruce, Aunt May, and Scott says at once. NOAH PARKER AND HIS SUPER BROTHER [+ A/N ABOUT REQUESTS], BROKEN LIGHT BULBS, MIDNIGHT WALKS AND GUNS, PETER'S MOST HATED TEACHER [TRIGGER WARNING], DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU [HALLOWEEN SPECIAL], QUEENS TEENAGE DETECTIVES: THE UNFORTUNATE ENCORE, HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS [SHORT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL], GAMES, MASKS, AND RECALLS TO THE PAST [REQUESTED PART TWO], BODY SNATCHERS, LOKI, AND TEENAGERS IN SPACE (WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG), "STOP SENDING CHILDREN TO FIGHT YOUR WARS", QUEEN'S TEENAGE DETECTIVES: BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER. Clint kind of wants to hug the guy. This is her journey through the Marvel Universe through the decades. Tony hasn't said anything while Natasha and Clint are doing what the rest of the team calls 'that mind-melding thing', but he looks twitchy and excited at Natasha's glare. Tony asked again, barely containing his laughter at the kids discomfort. It's your choice., Yeah, but Tony makes an annoyed sound and rolls over so he's facing Clint. It's strangely nice. No chickening out, Barton, Tony says as he flops down between Clint and Thor. Anyways, guys, MJ. Yes, Tony says before Bruce can say no, and Clint just snorts and drinks up. Right! It's been great, guys.. We should fight all the time.. There they used the Reality Stone to change one little detail. So does Thor. They're lying in bed, embracing, making out, and it's probably one of the gayer things Clint has done but he doesn't mind. Yes? Clint knows he's feeling his pulse. "Never Have I Ever been a girl." this one's for my catty's perpetual nhie rewatch girlies. We play the fun rules, right? Everything was going great until Y/n accidentally slaughtered her entire family with powers she didn't know she had. Fuck, Tony says and stares at the wall. Bucky, Nat, and Wanda took shots. In the end, he poured out a shot of apple juice and handed it to the pouting teenager. He makes sure that his lips are wrapped around the spout, and he knows Tony's watching. Ben goes to a Clippers game with both Howard and Devi. #infinity It's important to establish routines. He nods faux-seriously. Do you mind if I you don't have to answer if this makes you uncomfortable. He waits until Steve's looking at him. Back the fuck up." I'm so awesome it hurts sometimes.. Nice meeting you all." "This was very educational with Peter putting a chicken and flower pot on his head and getting a tattoo but it's three in the morning and we are all almost asleep," Uncle Steve says and I see he is right. Peter staired Stark directly in the eyes, slowly raising his glass and finished his drink, keeping a blank the entire time. On that thought, neither is Tony. "Who is he? Rules, shmules. Flash was surprisingly silent, dipping his head up and down, as if listening to music only he could hear. Come on, that one was obvious, Clint complained. Just leaning against Clint, still swaying. Steve looks a little scandalized again, and even Nat's arched an eyebrow, but Tony waves them off. I don't know if that makes me gay or something else.. I can go without the Other Guy making an entrance., The things I do for science, Tony says and blows Bruce a kiss. Tony is a terrible influence on everything ever. You're not even old enough," Dad questions and Ava smiles and just shrugs. Yeah, that would that would be great, doc, Steve says with a relieved smile. You can't do that!" Ey! Pepper Pots 'Course you can. No joke, no leering, no inappropriate comment. "Never have I ever smoked marijuana," Danny says and everyone but him takes a drink and this seems to surprisethe senior team. How'd you find out? Tony says, and looks dejected that his big reveal has been taken from him. #captainamerica Proceed at the risk of your sanity. Thor glances down at his jug of mead with a bemused expression. Missions? Steve asks, smiling, and Clint and Nat both nod. That's the great thing about being two guys who like to have sex a lot: they get to, well, have sex a lot. PETER? The game was being set up, and Peter could hear all the whispered ideas from his teammates. Yeah. They creep closer again, under the covers, until they're cocooning each other. You really were serious when you labeled Clint an affectionate drunk, weren't you? Bruce says to Natasha, and Clint giggles. as well as I feel like Captain America, for crying out loud.. Peter smiled, he never knew this. Please stop talking, Natasha says into her coffee cup. JARVIS, the traitor, Tony mutters and stares at the floor. There's only really been Bucky that I wanted to with. Thor chuckles and the two of them fist-bump. *SPOILERS* I'm gonna be down in the workshop for a while. Uncle Bucky questions. Fancy that., What? Nazi, Steve says. including: A small, annoying part of him wonders if Tony's actually been personally acquainted with Captain America's dick and adds that if Clint wants to find out, this would be the perfect opportunity. Also any that come to my fruity brain in between my slow story updates. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". ", Tony drank and everyone turned to look at Peter when he grinned and mumbled "Didn't get caught." I just haven't felt that way about anyone else. There's not a lot of them, not in bed, but there are a few. Never have I ever taken it up the ass. And he grins, all teeth and glee, as the rest of the team groan in exasperation. Only alcoholics use glasses, Tony huffs and grabs a bag of M&M's. "Never have I ever," Tony was determined to think of something so outrageous that Peter couldn't of possibly done "Killed someone on purpose." Tony sighs again, dramatically, and glances over at Clint to look for a reaction. Tony laughs, tells him to shut up, and kisses him. Never Have I Ever-Avengers Edition Prompt: After a very tiring mission, the Avengers decide to play "Never Have I Ever" What could happen? I ran away from the foster care system and lived on the streets for a while before joining the circus. That's how you got him to move in here, Natasha points out. I don't think so.. "Mr. Stark this is Michelle Jones. "Okay, my turn. Nobody comments on it; it's clear that Steve doesn't expect to drink a lot. Maya Romanoff was trained to be a killer, so she feels she doesn't deserve love. Michelle wasn't drinking, she gave a solid excuse of "There has to be someone responsible, and since I am Team Captain now, I will take it.". Ok, never have I ever made a list of all the people I slept with and been shocked by how high the number was, Sam grinned. The room was silent for a moment and few flinched when Tony flipped the coffee table. They didn't mind sharing, Natasha was just glad she was in a position to shove her friend onto the ground at any moment. Bruce was on a stool, placing the book he had been reading on the table next to the drinks when the others started talking, and Thor (who sat on a stool he had pulled away from the bar) decided to put his hammer on it. The kid shook his head , pouring himself another glass or apple juice. Finally he reaches the third door on the left and stumbles inside, groaning with general happiness and relief at the ready-made bed waiting for him. It's not unheard of or even uncommon it means you're not sexually attracted to anyone., But I was, Steve says, sounding a bit numb. I'm really sorry, Clint says, and promptly squirms back under the covers when he remembers that he's still naked. "I am fine, thanks. But you do care deeply for each other, Thor says and sounds vaguely approving? Sometimes you have to do illegal things, Natasha said demurely. Feels normal, almost, which is a ridiculous thought because of their lives and Tony being, well, Tony. i should continue that, and because i have writer's block and felt a moment of motivation, Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar, my benvi bias made itself known in the writing of this, but my love for every dynamic in the love triangle also made itself known, (if you consider canon proceeded as usual from 3.04 when reading this), never have i everplayed never have i ever. "Peter!" And because I'm Iron Man.. Never have I ever been on top of the Chrysler Building, Steve says. So, even though he wanted to make some moves on her, he refrained from going near her and focused on his stuff. Tss. Of course, it does help that you're, like, mind-numbingly hot., Why, Mister Stark, Clint says and bats his eyelashes. As expected, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Tony drank, but yet again Peter surprised them all by downing his glass. This is my room.. It Multi-fandom oneshots. He rolls his bottle slowly between his fingers. Yet, here she was wide awake with a pain in her back, her baby doing what felt like flips and her stomach growling. but he could also hear Sally say 'never have I ever slept with the opposite sex.'. Sally, Seymour and MJ exclaimed; Peter shrugged again, weary of this interrogation. Or maybe Clint kisses him. That's actually uh, weirdly flattering.. "The fuck!?" #natasharomanoff Clint shifts his stance; it's not fidgeting, he tells himself firmly, especially when Tony's too drunk to notice. Maybe it was because she somehow sensed he was the only one not even slightly drunk. Are you still mad about the thing?. Clint's watching Cupcake Wars in the living room which is otherwise deserted, for once when Tony saunters in and flops miserably down onto the couch next to him. Ah, I understand! Thor says, looking delighted again. For some reason a few members had brought alcohol, and now they were all sitting in Flash' and Abe's shared hotel room, drinking shots with the plastic cups from the bathrooms. Said Sam. It's entertaining, if not hell on the ear drums. ', But he did anyway. "Ouch" she groaned quietly into her pregnancy pillow, trying not to wake Paxton and reach towards the night stand to grab her phone and check the time 4:45 A.M. You make a country-boy blush.. I'm awesome at hugging., Thor laughs, and drapes an arm around Steve's shoulders to give him a half-hug of his own. But I was locked in a room so I couldn't get out. #pp Clint blinks at the guy, who looks completely serious and still sour. Are you, like are you?. So after a mission, I y'know.. Can I just crash here? He grimaces at the awkward phrasing, but Tony nods and scoots over. The reason for this stupid game? Spill." It counts, Bruce says, and Clint obediently drinks. With the realisation that this was actually pretty funny, came the crashing realisation that it was Ned's turn, NED, who knew his secret, and was drunk. Demisexuals only feel sexual attraction to people they have a strong emotional connection to. I thought we agreed that wouldn't be a good idea., No no, Tony says and shakes his head violently, something that throws him off-balance again. It was not a mutual flirtation, and all Ill say is that it was a government official., Well color me surprised, said Tony. They just lie there, entangled, and slowly drift off. Thor seems to think it's all hysterical. how to get wrinkles out of lululemon shirt, delaware county police blotter, ben kramer caa,